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About the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
How to Make a FOIA Request 
Government Guidance, Directives and Statistics on FOIA

The FOIA and President Bill Clinton
Unlike previous presidents, President William Jefferson Clinton embraced the letter and spirit of the Freedom of Information Act, evidenced in part by his directive to cabinet departments in the fall of his first year.  Nevertheless, Congress took the lead in dealing with endemic problems in the implementation of the FOIA, such as lengthy delays and extensive request backlogs at agencies.  Sen. Patrick Leahy, long a champion of the FOIA, introduced amendments to the FOIA for electronic records in 1994, eventually leading to Clinton’s signature on the Electronic Freedom of Information Act (EFOIA) Amendments in October 1996.  In 2000, the General Accounting Office, at Sen. Leahy and others’ request, began a review of the implementation of EFOIA at 25 departments and agencies, which GAO released in March 2001.  Below are these and other key documents from the Clinton era concerning the FOIA.
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President Clinton’s Memo on FOIA (Memorandum for Heads of Departments and Agencies, "The Freedom of Information Act", dated October 4, 1993

US Attorney General Reno’s Memo on FOIA (Memorandum for Heads of Departments and Agencies, "The Freedom of Information Act", dated October 4, 1993

President Clinton’s Statement Upon Signing the EFOIA Amendments (Press Release, Office of the Press Secretary, The White House, “Statement of the President”, dated October 2, 1996)

Text of the Electronic Freedom of Information Act Amendments of 1996 (H.R. 3802)

US Attorney General Reno’s Memo on Implementation of Clinton Administration FOIA Initiatives (Memorandum for Heads of Departments and Agencies, “The Freedom of Information Act", dated May 16, 1996

Department of Defense Memo and List of Statutes Allowing Withholding of Information (Memorandum to Distribution List, “FOIA Exemption Three Statutes”, dated February 16, 2000)

GAO Report on Agency Compliance with EFOIA (General Accounting Office, “Information Management: Progress in Implementing the 1996 Electronic Freedom of Information Act Amendments", dated March 2001
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