Oral SourcesArad, Shimshon. Jerusalem, August 1994. Arnan, Azaryahau (Sini). Numerous interviews and correspondence, 1992-97. Austin, Granville. Washington, D.C., 15 September 1997. Bar-On, Mordechai. Jerusalem, 1 July 1992. Bar Zohar, Michael. Tel Aviv, 7 September 1992. Battle, Lucious D. Washington, D.C., 27 December 1994, 3 February 1995. Ben Porat, Yoel. Glilot, 1994. Ben Porat, Yeshayahu. Tel Aviv, 4 September 1992. Bergmann, Hani. Jerusalem, 19 August 1992. Brugioni, Dino A. Numerous telephone interviews 1996-97. Bundy, McGeorge. Numerous interviews, 1992-95. Bunn, George. Numerous interviews, 1991-97. Burg, Yossef. Jerusalem, 19 August 1992. Carle, Remi. Paris, 17 June 1993. Cohen, Haim. Jerusalem, 3 September 1992. Crawford, William. Numerous interviews, correspondence, and conversations, 1994-97. Culler, Floyd. Numerous telephone interviews and correspondence, 1995-97. Dale, William N. Telephone interview, 24 April 1995. Dar, Arnon. Haifa, 1 and 10 September 1992. Dinstein, Zvi. Tel Aviv, 19 July and 6 August 1992. Dvoretzky, Arie. Rehovot, August 1992. Eilts, Hermann F. Numerous interviews, telephone interviews, and correspondence, 1994-97. Eshkol, Miriam. Jerusalem, 5 June 1995. Feldman, Myer (Mike). Numerous interviews and conversations, 1992-97. Finkelstein, Andre. Paris, 17 June 1993; Marburg, Germany, 4 July 1997. Finney, John W. Numerous telephone interviews, 1995-97. Freier, Shalheveth. Rehovot, numerous interviews and conversations, 1991-94. Gali, Ealkana. Tel Aviv, 23 July 1992. Gazit, Mordechai. Numerous interviews and correspondence, 1992-97. Gleysteen, Culver. Numerous interviews and correspondence, 1996-97. Goldschmidt, Bertrand. Paris, 15 June 1993. Gur, Shlomo. Tel Aviv, 20 July 1992. Haber-Schaim, Uri. Numerous interviews and corresopondence, 1994-97. Hadden, John. Numerous interviews, telephone interviews, and conversations, 1994-97. Harkavy, Yehoshafat. Jerusalem, 24 September 1992. Helms, Richard. Numerous telephone interviews, 1996-97. Hermoni, Avraham. Numerous interviews, 1992-97. Hod, Mordechai. Tel Aviv, 27 May 1996. Kaysen, Carl. Cambridge, Mass., numerous interviews and conversations, 1991-97. Keeny, Spurgeon. Numerous interviews and conversations, 1994-97. Kintner, Edwin. Numerous telephone interviews, 1995-96. Komer, Robert W. Numerous interviews and telephone interviews, 1992-97. Korchin, Amos. Tel Aviv, 18 August 1992. Kratzer, Myron. Numerous interviews and correspondence, 1992-97. Leonard, James. Numerous interviews, correspondence, and conversations, 1991-97. Lipkin, Zvi. Numerous correspondence and conversations, 1994-97. Lipson, Shneor. Rehovot, 23 December 1992. Maor, Uri. Numerous interviews and letters, 1992-96. Mushin, David. Rehovot, 8 July 1992. Navon, Yitzhak. Jerusalem, 19 August 1992. Ne'eman, Yuval. Numerous interviews, correspondence and conversations, 1994-97. Nimrod, Yoran. Ein Hachoresh. 4 September 1992. Parker, Richard B. Numerous interviews, correspondence, and conversations, 1995-97. Pelah, Zvi. Savion, 24 August 1992. Peled, Matti. Tel Aviv, 9 and 16 July 1992. Peres, Shimon. Tel Aviv, 31 March 1991. Pleat, George. Telephone interviews and correspondence, 1996-97. Quandt, William B. Numerous interviews and conversations, 1993-97. Rafael, Gideon. Telephone interview, summer 1994. Rechav,Uri. Numerous conversations, 1995-97. Reid, Ogden. Numerous interviews and telephone interviews, 1995. Rosenfeld, Shalom. Tel Aviv, 13 August 1992. Sadeh, Dror. Numerous interviews and correspondence, 1992-94. Samore, Gary. Washington, D.C., 26 November 1967. Saunders, Harold. Numerous interviews and conversations, 1995-96. Schiff, Ze'ev. Tel Aviv, numerous conversations, 1992-97. Seaborg, Glenn T. Numerous interviews, telephone interviews, and correspondence, 1995-96. Shamir, Yedidyah. Ramat Cam, 21 December 1992. Sisco, Joseph J. Washington, D.C. , 1995-97. Smilansky, Yizahar. Maishar, 20 August 1992. Sterner, Michael. Washington, D.C., 3 April 1995. Steury, Donald. Telephone interview, 24 July 1997. Talmi, Igal. Rehovot, June 1995. Tamir, Avraham (Abrasha). Numerous interviews and conversations, 1992-94. Tamir, Yossef. Tel Aviv, 20 August 1992. Teller, Edward. Telephone conversation, 27 April 1996. Van-Doren, Charles. Numerous telephone conversations and correspondence, 1994-96. Warnke, Paul C. Numerous interviews and correspondence, 1993-97. Ya'akobi, Gad. Tel Aviv, 16 July 1992. Yekutieli, Gideon. Rehovot, September 1995. Zak, Moshe. Tel Aviv, June 1996. Zur, Ze'ev. Ramat Efal, 7 July 1992. |