release March 2, 2005 |
more information contact:
Thomas Blanton - 202/994-7000
Director Testifies Before Congressional Hearing on "Overclassification
and Pseudo-classification"
slides | Testimony
by Thomas S. Blanton, National Security Archive, George Washington
March 2, 2005
on "Emerging Threats: Overclassification and Pseudo-classification"
Rayburn House Office Building
Subcommittee on National Security, Emerging Threats, and International
Committee on Government Reform
U.S. House of Representatives
here to download this statement as a PDF file
Mr. Chairman, and members of the Committee, thank
you for this opportunity to speak with you about the growing problem
of government secrecy and the danger it poses to our security.
This Subcommittee has become a model for the Congress as a whole
in its diligent oversight of a difficult problem, and I applaud
your commitment to air diverse views and to question conventional
I have reviewed in detail the record of your hearing on August
24, 2004, to which my own organization, the National Security
Archive, contributed a reader of declassified documents entitled
"Dubious Secrets," featuring General Pinochet's drink
preferences (scotch and pisco sours) and a joke terrorist attack
on Santa Claus (the secret was that the CIA occasionally has a
sense of humor). Mr. Chairman, you asked the question whether
overclassification was a 10% problem or a 90% problem, and your
witnesses provided some remarkable yardsticks. The deputy undersecretary
of defense for counterintelligence and security confessed that
50% of the Pentagon's information was overclassified. The head
of the Information Security Oversight Office said it was even
worse, "even beyond 50%." The former official who participated
in the Markle Foundation study cited by the 9/11 Commission on
information sharing stated that 80-90% (at least in the area of
intelligence and technology) was appropriately classified at first,
but over time that dwindled down to the 10-20% range.
My own experience is in the realm of declassified national security
information. The National Security Archive ranks as probably the
most active and successful non-profit user of the Freedom of Information
Act: We have filed more than 30,000 Freedom of Information and
declassification requests in our nearly 20 years of operations,
resulting in more than six million pages of released documents
that might otherwise be secret today (some of them have in fact
been reclassified, but the government won't tell us which ones).
We have published more than half a million pages on the Web and
other formats, along with more than 40 books by our staff and
fellows, including the Pulitzer Prize winner in 1996 on Eastern
Europe after Communism. We won the George Polk Award in April
2000 for "piercing self-serving veils of government secrecy."
We have partners in 35 countries around the world doing the same
kind of work today, opening the files of secret police, Politburos,
military dictatorships, and the Warsaw Pact, and leveraging openness
in both directions.
My own estimate of overclassification in the United States today
tends towards the high end of your 90% range, Mr. Chairman. Let
me put on the record here several expert assessments to support
this view. For example, the distinguished former Solicitor General
of the United States who prosecuted the Pentagon Papers case,
Dean Erwin Griswold, wrote in the Washington Post (15 February
1989) that: "It quickly becomes apparent to any person who
has considerable experience with classified material that there
is massive overclassification and that the principal concern of
the classifiers is not with national security, but with governmental
embarrassment of one sort or another. There may be some basis
for short-term classification while plans are being made, or negotiations
are going on, but apart from details of weapons systems, there
is very rarely any real risk to current national security from
the publication of facts relating to transactions in the past,
even the fairly recent past."
Senator Daniel P. Moynihan's commission on reducing and protecting
government secrecy quoted Rodney B. McDaniel, a career Navy officer
and executive secretary of President Reagan's National Security
Council, who estimated in 1991 that only 10% of classification
was for "legitimate protection of secrets." The Moynihan
report contrasted this view with that of the then-head of the
Information Security Oversight Office, Steven Garfinkel, who stated
that overclassification was only a 10% problem. (1997 Report,
p. 36) As this Subcommittee heard in August, Mr. Garfinkel's successor
has now moved the official estimate above 50%.
A Cox News Service report last summer (21 July 2004) headlined
"Lawmakers Frustrated By Delays In Declassifying Documents,"
quoted the Republican former governor of New Jersey and then-chair
of the 9/11 Commission, Thomas H. Kean, as saying, "Three-quarters
of what I read that was classified shouldn't have been" -
a 75% judgment. The material Mr. Kean was reviewing included the
most recent and sensitive terrorism-related intelligence and counterterrorism
information. The same Cox article quoted Senator Trent Lott (R-Miss.)
on his frustration with the Senate Intelligence Committee report
on Iraq, as reviewed by the CIA: "The initial thing that
came back was absolutely an insult and would be laughable if it
wasn't so insulting, because they redacted half of what we had.
A lot of it was to redact a word that revealed nothing."
I agree with Senator Lott and Governor Kean: national security
secrecy is skyrocketing, but like the ballistic missile defense
system, it cannot tell the real threat from the decoys. Let's
start with the core statistics, or least the most recent ones
available, provided by the Information Security Oversight Office
in last year's report to the President. New classification decisions
are up from 9 million in 2001, to 11 million in 2002, to 14 million
in 2003. If you look at that ISOO data all the way back to the
first year in which it was collected - 1980 - you will discover
that the number of new secrecy decisions in 2003 is the highest
ever recorded, higher even than the peak years of the Cold War
in the mid-1980s.
Tracking the same ISOO data since 1980, we can also see the rise
and fall of declassification in the 1990s. The ISOO reports show
many years of low levels (around 20 million pages per year) until
the numbers leap in 1995, stay at the 200 million page level for
three years, and then plummet down under 50 million pages a year
now. I think it's fair to say that President Clinton's executive
order on secrecy produced the declassification of more historic
national security secrets than all previous presidents put together.
But now, the system is almost completely out of whack - a point
that ISOO's director made at your August hearing.
At least the national security classification system has formal
checks and balances. By all the evidence of overclassification,
these checks do not work very well, but they do exist. They desperately
need strengthening. I'm thinking not only of ISOO, that lean machine
of a small, well-trained professional staff providing audits and
oversight, within its limited means, of a vast and sprawling system.
There is also the Interagency Security Classification Appeals
Panel (ISCAP), which has ruled for openness in some 60% of its
cases (there's another marker on the overclassification gauge),
although the total number of cases is quite small and involves
mostly historical rather than current information. There is also
the Office of Management and Budget requirement, first included
in appropriations bills in the 1990s, that agencies add up and
report their classification costs (the CIA's are still classified,
of course) - thus giving us a benchmark number and some sense
of comparative expense to the taxpayer. These numbers, over $6.5
billion in fiscal 2003, remind us that every secrecy decision
generates a stream of direct costs to the taxpayer, in addition
to the indirect costs of inefficiency and information asymmetries.
Likewise, the executive orders governing classification have
been around long enough that a cottage industry of insiders and
outsiders have developed expertise on how the system works or
ought to work. And at least since the 1974 amendments to the Freedom
of Information Act, the courts have provided some guidance on
classification. In general, the courts defer to the executive
(to a fault, I would argue), but along the way, the extra levels
of review during litigation almost always force out information
that the agencies originally withheld. In other words, we lose
the final decision, but we get documents.
What's most alarming is that the new forms of secrecy, the "pseudoclassifications"
like Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU) or Sensitive Security Information
(SSI) or Sensitive Homeland Security Information (SHSI), have
no such checks and balances. Where is the audit agency, tracking
the basic data on the number and extent of new restrictions? Where
is the appeals panel, overriding the reflexive instincts of agencies?
Where is the cost reporting, or do the agencies lack any clue
as to how much the secrecy costs them? Where is the cost-benefit
analysis inside agencies, or do they not see the double-edged
sword inherent in secrecy? Where are the bureaucratic centers
of countervailing power, pressing for declassification? Where
are the court cases, or will judges continue blind deference to
executive judgments? Where is the Congress, when the President's
lawyers assert unilateral authority over secrecy, detentions,
interrogations, and energy policy, among many other topics?
The National Security Archive's experience with pseudoclassification
is not encouraging. Among our many projects, we are pursuing the
public release of the actual primary sources cited and quoted
by the 9/11 Commission, and we have been on the receiving end
of an object lesson in reflexive pseudosecrecy at the Transportation
Security Administration. For example, last year we asked for the
five Federal Aviation Administration warnings to airlines on terrorism
in the months just prior to 9/11 - warnings that were quoted in
the 9/11 Commission report and discussed at length in public testimony
by high government officials. The TSA responded by denying the
entire substance of the documents under five separate exemptions
to the Freedom of Information Act, and even withheld the unclassified
document titles and Information Circular numbers as "Sensitive
Security Information." When we pointed out that the titles,
dates, and numbers were listed in the footnotes to the number
one best-selling book in the United States, the 9/11 Commission
report, the TSA painstakingly restored those precise digits and
letters in its second response to us, but kept the blackout over
everything else.
We have heard from officials at the Department of Justice that
these new pseudoclassifications are simply guidance for safeguarding
information, and do not change the standards under the Freedom
of Information Act. But such a claim turns out to be mere semantics:
In every case, the new secrecy stamps tell government bureaucrats
"don't risk it"; in every case, the new labels signal
"find a reason to withhold." In another TSA response
to an Archive FOIA request, the agency released a document labeled
"Sensitive But Unclassified" across the top, and completely
blacked out the full text, including the section labeled "background"
- which by definition should have segregable factual information
in it. The document briefed Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge
on an upcoming meeting with the Pakistani Foreign Minister, but
evidently officials could not identify any national security harm
from release of the briefing, and fell back on the new tools of
SBU, together with the much-abused "deliberative process"
exemption to the Freedom of Information Act.
As William Leonard of ISOO pointed out at the GovSec Expo (July
29, 2004), SBU protection regimes still exist that date back to
the Cold War, and none have been officially discarded. The government,
instead, is adding regimes year after year, Mr. Leonard remarked,
"without any regard to what's been done before to a point
where I'm concerned today that if you wanted to identify the person
in the government or outside the government who understands all
the various protection regimes, understands what all the requirements
are, understands what all the standards are - that person doesn't
This dynamic is fundamentally what's wrong with the Markle Foundation
recommendations for the SHARE network that were embraced by the
9/11 Commission and about which you heard from Mr. Bill Crowell
at your August 2004 hearing. I read his testimony and the two
editions of the Markle report with great interest, because the
group seems to have begun with the assumption that you share,
Mr. Chairman, that the "need to know" secrecy culture
is working against our security. But the group's recommendations
do not actually challenge the "need to know" culture.
Instead, they embrace the SBU attitude, the official-use-only
elitism. The language in Mr. Crowell's testimony and in the underlying
reports gives a remarkable amount of attention to the ways that
the SHARE system would help agencies control and track and audit
employees, preventing leaks and authenticating information, keeping
the data in the hands of only the relevant players.
That's the key phrase. Mr. Crowell's direct quote before this
Subcommittee was: "While certain information, particularly
about sources and methods, must be protected against unauthorized
disclosure, the general mindset should be one that strives for
broad sharing of information with all of the relevant players
in the network." Who exactly decides who are the relevant
players? Where do we draw the line? Are firefighters included
in but not health inspectors? Epidemiologists but not general
practitioners? Power plant managers but not the plant's workers?
First responders but not neighbors? Aren't we right back where
we started at the need to know? What will stop the SHARE system
from turning into the mother of all pseudoclassifications? The
strength of our open society is the free flow of information but
the SHARE concept looks more like the Soviet GOSPLAN.
We could spend billions of dollars implementing the computer
networks necessary for SHARE, or we could invest a few million
in real openness and government accountability. President Bush
nominated members for the Public Interest Declassification Board
but did not include the Board's $600,000 allowance in his budget.
We could establish an independent review board with a small staff
like ISOO at every major federal agency for a million dollars
each per year, less than the cost of our excellent military marching
The number one lesson of 9/11 is that the "relevant players"
include the public, front and center. As the staff director of
the Congressional Joint Inquiry on 9/11 found, "The record
suggests that, prior to September 11th, the U.S. intelligence
and law enforcement communities were fighting a war against terrorism
largely without the benefit of what some would call their most
potent weapon in that effort: an alert and informed American public.
One need look no further for proof of the latter point than the
heroics of the passengers on Flight 93 or the quick action of
the flight attendant who identified shoe bomber Richard Reid."
After all, the only part of our national security apparatus that
actually prevented casualties on 9/11 was the citizenry - those
brave passengers on Flight 93 who figured out what was going on
before the Pentagon or the CIA did, and brought their plane down
before it could take out the White House or the Capitol.
Look at the case of the Unabomber, the Harvard-educated terrorist
who blew up random scientists with letter bombs. Years of secret
investigation turned up nothing but rambling screeds against modernity
and the machine, and only after the madman threatened more violence
unless his words were published, did the FBI relent and give the
crank letter file to the newspapers. The Washington Post and the
New York Times went in together on a special section to carry
the 35,000 words in 1995, but the key paper was the Chicago Tribune,
read at the breakfast table in a Chicago suburb by the bomber's
brother, who said, sounds like crazy Ted, guess I'd better call
the cops.
How did we catch the Washington sniper? The police had been chasing
a white van for weeks with no luck, and finally changed the description
to a blue sedan based on an eyewitness report. They refused to
give out the license plate number (because the sniper would then
change the plates, of course); but finally an unnamed police official
took it upon herself to leak the license number at midnight, local
radio and TV picked it up, and a trucker was listening who saw
a blue sedan in a rest area in western Maryland. He checked the
plate number, and bingo, within three hours of the leak they arrested
the sniper. Openness empowers citizens.
The entire 9/11 Commission report includes only one finding that
the attacks might have been prevented. This occurs on page 247
and is repeated on page 276 with the footnote on page 541, quoting
the interrogation of the hijackers' paymaster, Ramzi Binalshibh.
Binalshibh commented that if the organizers, particularly Khalid
Sheikh Mohammed, had known that the so-called 20th hijacker, Zacarias
Moussaoui, had been arrested at his Minnesota flight school (he
only wanted to fly, not to take off or land) on immigration charges,
then Bin Ladin and KSM would have called off the 9/11 attacks.
And wisely so, because news of that arrest would have alerted
the FBI agent in Phoenix who warned of Islamic militants in flight
schools in a July 2001 memo that vanished into the FBI's vaults
in Washington. The Commission's wording is important here: only
"publicity" could have derailed the attacks.
This is why Ms. Carol Haave, the deputy undersecretary of defense,
framed the problem wrongly at your August 24 hearing. She testified,
"In the end, this is a discussion about risk. How much risk
is the nation willing to endure in the quest to balance protection
against the public's desire to know? It's a complex question that
requires thought and ultimately action." She and the Pentagon
have missed the point. We are not balancing protection against
the public's desire to know. The tension is actually between bureaucratic
imperatives of information control versus empowering the public
and thus making us more safe. Yes, there are real secrets that
must be protected, but the lesson of 9/11 is that we are losing
protection by too much secrecy. The risk is that by keeping information
secret, we make ourselves vulnerable. The risk is that when we
keep our vulnerabilities secret, we avoid fixing them. In an open
society, it is only by exposure that problems get fixed. In a
distributed information networked world, secrecy creates risk
- risk of inefficiency, ignorance, inaction, as in 9/11. As the
saying goes in the computer security world, when the bug is secret,
then only the vendor and the hacker know - and the larger community
can neither protect itself nor offer fixes. Publicity is not a
SHARE network limited to relevant players. Publicity is TV, the
newspapers, the Internet, and the highly efficient information
distribution system that is our open society. That is our strength,
not our weakness.
So how do we put countervailing pressure on the secrecy system,
and on the new SBU systems, to force publicity, to empower the
public? We can start the way the framers did, with checks and
balances. If you create a power center for creating and holding
secrets, like the new intelligence czar, then you need a counter
center for declassifying secrets. The Moynihan commission, for
example, recommended setting up a formal Declassification Center
based at the National Archives and staffed by an interagency group
with delegated powers from their agencies. Their performance would
be measured by their openness. Just such a group served the Congress
well during the Iran-contra investigations by reviewing and declassifying
more than 30 thick volumes of testimony and documents in record
time, with enormous benefits for government accountability and
without damage to national security.
Another model is the Public Interest Declassification Board authorized
in the intelligence reform bill last year. Not all the members
have yet been named, so the jury is still out on whether this
Board will meet the expectations of Senators Lott and Wyden, for
example. But every previous experience with a statutory independent
review board has been a major success, pushing out of the system
the secrets that do not need keeping. These include the Assassination
Records Review Board, the State Department's historical advisory
committee, and the Interagency Working Group on Nazi and Japanese
War Crimes. Every agency needs a review board like these, with
authority in statute, with scholars and former officials doing
the oversight, with regular reporting requirements and open meetings.
The model we should not follow is that of the CIA, where the advisory
committee has no statute behind it and, by allowing its recommendations
to remain confidential, has voluntarily given up what little leverage
it might have had.
One of William Leonard's recommendations is that the new secrecy
systems have to be coordinated with the old ones. He makes the
valid point that it would be a major reform and potential restraint
to have a common set of standards across all agencies in place
of the differentiated, culture-driven, idiosyncratic standards
that have arisen in the multiple secrecy regimes. Such differences
create huge uncertainties among officials about what behavior
is expected and how much information to share.
Even part of the CIA agrees with this critique. For example,
a 1977 study by the CIA of its own codeword compartments (declassified
in 2002) found that the proliferation of compartments had deleterious
psychological effects that "seem to diminish rather than
enhance security," and recommended that the DCI abolish all
existing compartments and replace them with one uniform Sources-and-Methods
compartment. The intelligence community is moving in this direction
(witness the 1999 abolition of the COMINT codewords UMBRA, SPOKE,
MORAY and the TALENT-KEYHOLE codeword ZARF); but bureaucratic
inertia and turf-consciousness pose major obstacles to the rational
consolidation of SBU and secrecy rules today. Yet, the secrecy
skeptic in me thinks that perhaps centralization is not the cure-all,
that perhaps the diversity of our bureaucracy is actually a protection
for dissenting views, for multiple perspectives, and for alternative
policy options.
More important than centralization, we must build into all of
our secrecy systems multiple provisions for cost-benefit analysis,
audits, oversight offices, cost accounting, and independent reviews.
We must limit the number of officials who have the power to wield
the secret or SBU stamp. We must increase the number of officials
whose jobs and careers depend on opening information. We must
change the internal bureaucratic incentives, by tying promotions
and raises to declassification and information sharing, while
providing real penalties for knee-jerk secrecy and information
There are interesting examples of carrot-and-stick provisions
on government openness both abroad and at home. We could look
to Sweden, for example, where the bishop of Stockholm, a public
official, had to pay a fine (nearly $2,000) last year for violating
the open records law, by withholding letters from priests in the
state-supported church about their problems and challenges. Or
we could look to Florida, where an Escambia County school board
member went to jail for a week in 2003 for refusing to provide
a public record to a Pensacola mother. The name of that school
board member is now a household word among officials in Florida,
deterring bad behavior. It's a more difficult question, but one
we must address, about how to deter absurd classification decisions
like the CIA's claim (now upheld by a federal court) that it can
declassify the 1997 intelligence budget figure with no damage
to national security, but the 1947 number still must be secret
(Steven Aftergood testified in detail about this case at the August
24, 2004 hearing). Secrecy decisions like this one actually undermine
the credibility of the entire information security system and
make our real secrets less safe.
In the final analysis, of course, it is openness that empowers
our citizens, weeds out the worst policy proposals, ensures the
most efficient flow of information to all levels of law enforcement,
makes a little more honest the despots who are our temporary allies
against terrorism, and keeps our means more consistent with our
Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and I look forward to any questions
you may have.