APPENDIX A SUMMARY OF THE QUESTIONNAIRES This appendix contains a complete list of the questions included in the questionnaires. The questions analyzed in this report are arranged by attitude area. A number of questions included in the questionnaires are not analyzed in this report for the following reasons: 1. Design analysis was precluded for questions which were asked at only one stage of the research. 2. Questions related to the dissemination experiment had to be omitted from the analysis because of severe limitations of the experiment. (See Footnote 3, page 16.) 3. A number of questions were not analyzed, because they appeared to be either insufficiently discrminating or oversensitive to extraneous factors. All of these questions are listed in the last section of this appendix. I. Background Characteristics of the Troops Asked at: Questions All states 1. How did you come into the Army this time? " 2. BIRTH DATE (write in): (day) (month) (year) " 3. In what state were you born? " 4. How far have you gone in school? " 5. Are you married, single, divorced or separated, widowed? " 6. What is your Army grade? " 7. How much ACTIVE military duty altogether have you had? " 8. How long have you been in the company, battery, or detachment that you are in now? " 9. What branch of the Army are you in now? " 10. Have you ever been in combat or under enemy fire? II. Troops' Information on Atomic Warfare and Weapons' Asked at: Question All stages 1. Suppose the A-bomb were used against energy troops by exploding it 2000 feet from the ground and suppose all enemy troops were killed. How dangerous do you think it would be for our troops to enter the area directly below the explosion within a day? (Not dangerous at all) The correct answers are given in parentheses following the questions.) 107 Asked at: II. Question (Continued) All stages 2. Supposing an A-bomb like the one at Hiroshima were exploded at 2000 feet. In how much danger would you be if you were five miles away, lying flat on the ground? (In no danger at all) " 3. If caught Ln the open by an A-bomb attack, what is the first thing you should do? (Take cover or fall flat) " 4. After an A-bomb air burst attack, what is the first thing you should do? (Take care of yourself, help your buddies, care for injured) " 5. Which kind of clothing gives better protection against an atomic explosion? (Light-colored loose-fitting clothing) " 6. If an A-bomb were exploded at 2000 feet, under what conditions would it be safe to move into the spot directly below, right after the explosion? (Safe if you wore regular field clothing) " 7. Which one of the following is the best description of what "radiation" from an A-bomb explosion is like? (Like X-rays from an X-ray machine) " 8. What caused the greatest number of casualties from the A-bomb attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki? (Blast effect and falling objects) " 9. Which of the three types of possible atomic explosions would do the most damage right away? (Air burst) " 10. Which type of atomic explosion do you think has the greatest "residual" (long-lasting) radiation? (Surface or underwater burst) " 11. The blast effect of an A-bomb air burst at 2000 feet (like the Hiroshima bomb, in flat, open country and average atmospheric conditions) would not kill anybody beyond a distance of ? (Three miles) " 12. Flash burns on exposed skin, caused by the heat wave from a Hiroshima type A-bomb burst at 2000 feet (in flat country and average atmospheric conditions) would be expected up to a distance of ? (Three miles) " 13. Suppose an A-bomb like the one at Hiroshima were exploded at 2000 feet. Would harmful radioactive materials fall to the earth? (No harmful materials would reach the earth) " 14. Read each of the following statements carefully. Then check, for every item, whether you think it is true or false. a. All elements consist of atoms. (True) b. Radiation four miles from an A-bomb explosion can make men permanently sterile. (False) 108 Asked at: II. Question (Continued) All stages 14. c. Radiation sickness is nearly always fatal. (False) d. Doubling the size of the A-bomb does not double the amount of damage. (True) e. Mis-shapen children are being born in Japan now because of the A-bombs in 1945. (False) f. Radioactivity can be contagious. (False) g. Some of the ships in the Bikini tests had to be sunk because they were too radioactive to be used again. (False) h. Instruments (Geiger counters, etc.) are dependable for detecting any dangerous radiation after A-bomb explosions. (True) i. There is no protection against the atom bomb within five miles of the center of the burst. (False) j. An area that has been A-bombed can be decontaminated (made safe). (True) k. Radioactivity caused a good many skin burns in the A-bombings of Japan. (False) l. People cannot feel, taste, or smell radiation. (True) m. Watching an A-bomb explode five miles away can cause permanent blindness. (False) n. Radiation four miles from an A-bomb explosion can make men unable to have sexual intercourse. (False) o. Any radiation that can be detected on a Geiger counter is strong enough to be dangerous. (False) p. Drinking water in sealed steel cans two miles from an A-bomb explosion is safe to drink right away. (True) q. Scrubbing with soap and water can remote most radioactive particles from the skin. (True) III. Troops' Confidence in Themselves, Their Outfits, and the Experts' Ability to Control the A-bomb Asked at: Question All stages 1. If you were sent into actual fighting now, how do you think you would do? 109 Asked at: III. Question (continued) Bp, Bn, C, 2. If you were sent into actual fighting now in Dp, Dn2 which we used A-bombs against an enemy, how do you think you would do? All stages 3. Do you think your outfit is ready to go into combat now if it had to? Bp, Bn, C, 4. Do you think the experts really know enough Dp, Dn about the effects of A-bombs to use them in military maneuvers without harming our troops? C 5. Was there any time during the A-bomb maneuver that you wondered whether you would be able to do your job? IV. Attitudes of the Troops Toward Military Service A. Identification with the Army Asked at: Question All stages 1. If you had your own free choice right now, which one of the military services would you prefer to be in? " 2. Which branch of the Army would you most like to be in now? " 3. If you were offered an HONORABLE DISCHARGE today and if you knew you would not be drafted, would you take it? " 4. Right now; in what way do you think you could be of greatest service to your country? By being a soldier By going to school as a civilian By working on a civilian job or farm B. Attitudes Toward Job and Outfit Asked at: Question All stages 1. Do you feel that the work or training you have to do is necessary to the Army or not? " 2. How do you feel about the amount of work or training you have to do? 2A = Baseline Bp = Participants at post-indoctrination stage Bn = Non-participants at post-indoctrination stage C = Post-bomb stage (participants only) Dp = Participants at delayed effects stage Bn = Non-participants at delayed effects stage 110 Asked at: IV. B. Question (Continued) All stages 3. How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with your present Army job? " 4. Do you feel proud of the particular company, battery, or detachment that you are in now? " 5. Do you think you are getting a square deal in the company you are in now? " 6. How do you think the men in your company usually feel when they oyer out the orders of their afforce? " 7. How good a job does your company do in taking care of the welfare and personal problems of the enlisted men? " 8. How do you think the men in your company usually feel when they carry out the orders of their non-coms? " 9. Assuming your work would be the same, if you were going into combat would you rather go with your present company, or would you rather go with a different company? V. War Pessimism of the Troops Asked at: Question All stages 1. Do you think that the United States will ever be at war against Russia? " 2. If we do go to war against Russia, how long do you think the war would last? " 3. How good a supply of atomic bombs do you think the Russians actually have at present? VI. Anxiety of the Troops A. Concerning Participation in the A-bomb Maneuver Asked at: Question Bp, Bn, C, 1. How worried do you honestly think you are Dp, Dn [were, would be] about the [this] A-bomb maneuver [if you were sent on a maneuver in which A-bombs were used]? B. The Bomb Asked at: Question C, Dp 1. Just how frightened would you say you were when the last test A-bomb went off? 111 VI. C. Effects of A-bomb Asked at: Question Bp, Bn, 1. Suppose you were taking part in a maneuver in Dn which a standard A-bomb was exploded at 2000 feet in the air several miles from you.3 How worried are you [do you think you would be] about each of the following effects of the A-bomb explosion? a. The fire flash (fireball) b. The explosion (blast effect) c. Radiation at time of explosion d. Residual radiation (after the explosion) C,DP 2. How frightening did you find each of the following effects of the last A-bomb explosion? a. The fire flash (fireball) b. The explosion (blast effect) c. Radiation at time of explosion d. Residual radiation (after the explosion) D. Estimates of Danger Asked at: Question C, Dp, Dn 1. In your opinion, how dangerous to the troops in the maneuver (that is, likely to kill or seriously hurt a man) were [was] each of the [following] effects of the last [recent] A-bomb test explosion? a. The fire flash (fireball) b. The explosion (blast effect) c. Radiation at time of explosion d. Residual radiation (after the explosion) VII. Prevalence of Tension Manifestations and Physiological Reactions Among the Troops A. Tension Manifestations Asked at: Question All stages 1. Do your hands ever tremble enough to bother you? " 2. Are you ever bothered by nervousness? " 3. Have you ever been bothered by your heart beating hard? " 4. Have you ever been bothered by shortness of breath when you were not exercising or working hard? 3 This sentence was not included in the questionnaire at Stage Bp. 112 Asked at: VII. A. Question (Continued) All stages 5. Are you ever troubled by your hands sweating so that they feel damp and clammy? 6. How often are you bothered by having an upset stomach? 7. Have you ever been troubled by "cold sweats"? B. Prevalence of Physiological Reactions Among the Troops on the Day of the Maneuver Asked at: Question C 1. Soldiers who have been present during explosions report different physical reactions. Did you yourself have any of the following reactions on the same day that the last test bomb went off? a. Violent pounding of the heart b. Sinking feeling in the stomach c. Feeling of weakness or feeling faint d. Feeling sick at the stomach e. Cold sweat f. Vomiting g. Shaking or trembling all over h. Urinating in pants i. Losing control of bowels VIII. Willingness to Volunteer Among the Troops Asked at: Question Bp, Bn, C, 1. If you had [been given] your choice between Dp, Dn going on this [another] A-bomb maneuver, or some other [regular] maneuver with no A- bomb[s], which would you choose [have chosen]? Bp, C, Dp 2. Sometime in the future the Army probably will need experienced men to help in another A-bomb maneuver like this one. Do you think you will volunteer if you are asked? Bn, Dn 3. Sometime in the future the Army probably will need volunteers to take part in a maneuver in which there will be a standard A-bomb air burst (2000 feet from the ground) with troops moving into the area right after the explosion. Do you think you would volunteer to take part if you were asked? All stages 4. Suppose a call went out for volunteers for a small outfit which was to be specially trained and then carry out a secret dangerous mission, would you volunteer? 113 IX. Troops' Evaluation of the Indoctrination Program Asked at: Question All stages 1. Have these talks helped you to understand how you can best protect yourself in case of such an attack? " 2. Do you think you need more information regarding the atomic weapons and protection from an atomic attack? Bp, Bn, C, 3. If a soldier were well trained for ordinary Dp, Dn combat, how much additional training do you think he would absolutely need before being sent into combat in which A-bombs would be used? X. Items Included in the Questionnaires but not Analyzed in the Present Report Asked at: Question All stages 1. Have you been in combat or under enemy fire during the Korean War? " 2. Have you ever had a course in physics or chemistry in school? " 3. Since you have been in the Army, how many training talks have you heard on defense against atomic attacks? " 4. Rate each of the following on how effective you think it would be in winning another war, if there is one. a. Atomic bombs b. Regular artillery c. Regular (long-range) bombing d. Tactical (short-range) bombing e. Bacterial (germ) warfare f. Airborne infantry g. Ground infantry h. Armored vehicles (tanks) i. Naval surface was ship s j. Submarines " 5. Do you feel the development of the A-bomb has changed the importance of the ground infantry? " 6. Do you feel the development of the A-bomb has changed the importance of the airborne infantry? Bp, Bn, C, 7. Do you feel the development of the A-bomb has Dp, Dn changed the importance of the Air Force? 114 Asked at: X. Question (Continued) All stages 8. If we ever go to war against Russia, do you think we should use the A-bomb against Russian cities? " 9. Do you feel that the A-bomb should be used against enemy troops in the Korean war? " 10. Would you say you are the type that makes (a very good, a good, not such a good, or a poor soldier)? " 11. Which branch of the Army would you like least to be in now? " 12. When your officers give you something to do, do they tell you enough about it so you can do a good job? " 13. In general, what sort of physical condition would you say you are in at the present time? " 14. Do you ever worry about whether you will be injured in combat? " 15. How much does it bother you when you are ordered to do things that you don't see a good reason for doing? " 16. Exactly what further information would you like to have about atomic weapons? (Form of question at all stages except Stage A) On what things, if any, regarding atomic weapons would you like to learn more? Please list them here. (Form of question at Stage A) " 17. If you think you have been given any misleading or inaccurate information about atomic weapons by official sources (the Army or the government), please write down what you thought was not correct. Bp, Bn, C, 18. Have you ever gone through an infiltration Dp, Dn course where you had to be close to explosions or flying bullets? " 19. Do you think it would be a good idea or a poor idea for every soldier to go through such an infiltration course before going into combat? Dp, Dn 20. Do you think the A-bomb could be used against enemy troops without great danger to our own front-line troops? " 21. Were you living on a farm, in the country, or in a town or city, just before you came into the Army this time? " 22. What is your primary MOS? Write the MOS number here. " 23. Tell here just what kind of duties you actually perform most of the time. " 24. What is the most interesting rumor you have heard lately? " 25. Do you think the rumor is true, or false? 115 Asked at: X. Question (Continued) Bp 26. What do you think will happen to the field equipment that your outfit is leaving in an advanced position, when the A-bomb goes off? " 27. Were there any particular points in the talks or movies you have had lately about the A-bomb that were hard to understand? C 28. Was there anything about the last A-bomb explosion that you did not fully expect in advance? " 29. When the last A-bomb exploded, how far would you say you were from ground zero (the spot on the ground directly where the bomb exploded)? " 30. How close would you say the nearest edge of the ball of fire came to you when the last test A-bomb exploded? " 31. Did you feel any heat from the blast at the time of the explosion? C, Dp, Dn 32. In the maneuver after the explosion, how close would you guess you went to ground zero (the spot on the ground directly below where the last A-bomb exploded)? (Form of question at Stages C and Dp) From what you have heard, how close did the troops go to "ground zero" (the spot on the ground directly below the last A-bomb explosion) in the maneuver after the explosion? (Form of question at Stage Dn) C, Dp 33. After the A-bomb explosion, what did you think about handling the field equipment that your outfit had left in an advanced position? " 34. At what location did [is] your unit leave [leaving] its equipment for the last A-bomb test? (Write the location here: ) C, Dp 35. How safe do you think human beings would have been if they had been located at the same spot as the animals that you saw after the explosion? " 36. Was there anything in the talks and movies about the A-bomb that you now think was unnecessary? Bp, C, Dp 37. Has the training you have had so far on A-bombs made nuclear radiation seem more dangerous or less dangerous than you think it really is? (Form of question at Stage Bp) Did you think the training you had, before the last test A-bomb, makes [made] nuclear radiation seem more dangerous or less dangerous than you now think it is? (Form of question at Stages C and Dp) C 38. In the part of the maneuver that you saw following the explosion, did anything get fouled up? 116 Asked at: X. Question (Continued) C 39. Soldiers who have been present during explosions report different physical reactions. Did you yourself have any of the following reactions on the same day that the last test bomb went off? j. Muscles stiff and sore k. Ears ringing or hurting for hours l. Trouble with your eyes for hours m. Trouble with your eyes for a few minutes Dp 40. To whom have you yourself described the A-bomb explosion and maneuver? " 41. About how many people would you say you talked to concerning your experiences in the A-bomb maneuver? " 42. In general, would you say the people you have talked to about the A-bomb maneuver were interested in what you had to say? " 43. a. In general, do you think the A-bomb maneuver was realistic enough? b. If you do not think it was realistic enough, in which wayS do you think it should have been made more realistic? (Write your suggestions below.) " 44. The Army would like to have any other ideas that you may have for improving A-bomb maneuvers like the one in which you took part. Any ideas you have will be carefully considered for future maneuvers, so please be sure to write them in detail on the lines below. Dn 45. Have you heard anything about the recent maneuvers where men from this Division saw an A-bomb explosion? " 46. Have you yourself talked with anyone who was in the recent A-bomb maneuver? " 47. From which one of the following do you think you got the most true account of what happened in the A-bomb maneuver? (Enlisted men who were there, officers who were there, people who were not there, from news reports [radio, magazines, newspapers, newsreels]) " 48. In general, do you think that what you have heard about the A-bomb maneuver was true " 49. How interested were you in learning what took place during the A-bomb maneuver? " 50. After hearing or reading about it, have you yourself talked about the A-bomb maneuver with any of the following people? (Other soldiers in your division, other soldiers not in your division, your family, your friends not in the service) 117 Asked at: X. Question (Continued) Dn 51. a. Did what you hear about the A-bomb maneuver change your opinion on how dangerous our own A-bombs might be for our own troops? b. If anything you have heard about the A-bomb maneuver made the A-bomb seem even a little more dangerous than you had thought, what was it that made you think 80? (Write your answer here) " 52. If there were any other things about the last A-bomb test explosion that you think were dangerous for the troops in the maneuver, please write them here. Dp, Dn 53. If you were in on another A-bomb maneuver exactly like the last one, would you volunteer to stay in a fox-hole two miles from "ground zero" during the burst? (Form of question at Stage Dp) From what you have heard about the A-bomb maneuver, would you volunteer to stay in a fox-hole two miles from "ground zero" during the burst? (Form of question at Stage Dn) Bp 54. If there are any other things about this A- bomb maneuver that worry you [you found frightening], please write them here: Bp 55. Do you think the training you have had so far on A-bombs has made you more worried or less worried about the effects of A-bombs? " 56. If the training you have had on A-bombs has made you more worried, what did you hear or see that made you more worried? (Write your answers below.) Dp 57. After the burst, when you moved up toward "ground-zero", did you feel that you were getting too much radiation at any time? 118 TABLE A-1 CHANGES IN STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF DIFFERENCES IN RESPONSES Net Difference in Percentage Points With Without Control Control Question Groups Groups Questions statistically significant at the 5 per cent level with but not without control groups Do you think your outfit is ready to go into combat now if it had to? (Yes; now, or within a few weeks) 23 10 How effective do you think the ground infantry would be in winning another war, if there is one?2 (Very effective) 22 12 Questions statistically significant at the 5 per cent level without but not with control groups If you had your own free choice right now, which one of the military services would you prefer to be in? (Army) -16 -19 Do you feel the development of the A-bomb has changed the importance of ground infantry? (More important) 11 18 Do you feel the development of the A-bomb has changed the importance of airborne infantry? (More important) 10 15 Is it true or false that some of the ships in the Bikini tests had to be sunk because they were too radioactive to be used again? (False) 11 14 1. From Stage A to Stage B when the standard error of the difference is computed for the participant groups only. 2. Paraphrased to simplify presentation but with no change in meaning. 119