ATTACHMENT 12 RESTRICTED August 9, 1948 Dr. Shields Warren, Director, Division of Biology and Medicine, Washington Albert H. Holland, Jr., M.D. Medical Advisor, Oak Ridge REVIEW OF DOCUMENT REFER TO SYMBOL: M:AHH Transmitted herewith is a copy of the restricted document entitled, "Comparative Deposition of Zr95 in a Reticula Endothelial Tumor to Normal Tissues in a Human patient" by Low- Beer and Scott, et al. This document has been presented to this office by the Declassification Branch for review and declassification. In my opinion, we are unable to declassify this document for general medical publication since it specifically involves experimental human therapeutics. Further, after the rewrite it in as acceptable manner, which would not jeopardize our public relations. Accordingly, I do not believe it is ill-advised to retain the "Restricted" classification on this document. It will be appreciated if you will also review the attached paper and advise me accordingly so that I may make a final determination for the Declassification Branch. It is further requested that, following your review, the said document be returned to this office in order that it may become a permanent part of the Declassification files. Albert E. Holland, Jr., M.D. Enclosure: (1) As stated above (copy "illegible") DECLASSIFIED RECOMMENDED "illegible" "illegible" DP-822 Name (ADC) - Organization 8 June 1994 Date DECLASSIFICATION AUTHORIZED MALCOLM THEISEN, ANALYSAS Name (ADD) - Organization 6-8-94 Date