
  1. Staff Memo: New Documents on Early AEC Ethics and Classification Policies
  2. Attachment: Letter from C. Wilson to R. Stone, dated 6/5/47
  3. Attachment: Letter from C. Wilson to R. Stone, dated 8/12/47
  4. Attachment: Letter from C. Wilson to R. Stone, dated 11/5/47
  5. Attachment: Letter from C. Wilson to Alan Gregg, dated 11/5/47
  6. Staff Memo: Documentary Update on Project Sunshine
  7. Attachment: 1/18/95 Transcript "Secret" of the Biophysics Conference held in D.C.
  8. Attachment: 2/8/57 Article by Dr. Kulp, et al., on "Strontium-90 in Man"
  9. Attachment: 6/10/57 Letter from W.F. Libby, AEC to Dr. H. Kalckar, NIH
  10. Staff Memo: 1966 Proposed Plutonium and Prometheum Experiments
  11. Attachment: 3/11/66 Letter from the Hanford Occupational Health Foundation to AEC
  12. Attachment: 3/29/66 Legal Memo from Chief Counsel of AEC, Richland Operations
  13. Attachment: 3/31/66 Memo re: Use of Human Volunteers in Biomedical Research
  14. Attachment: 5/31/66 Memo from AEC to Director, DBM on Use of Human Volunteers
  15. Staff Memo: Documentary Update on AEC Policy on Human Experimentation
  16. Attachment: Summary Minutes of 1/12/51 Meeting of Agronne National Lab.
  17. Attachment: 4/14/53 Response from H.W. Patt of Agronne Lab. on Human Volunteer
  18. Attachment: 3/14/47 Memo from Dr. A.M. Brues to H. Hilberry on Clinical Testing
  19. 15bb01: Division of Biology and Medicine Inter-Office Route Sheet