DOCUMENT N December 12, 1963 A. R. Keene, Manager RADIATION PROTECTIONS RADIOLOGICAL EXPERIMENTS ON HUMAN TEST SUBJECTS Purpose The purpose of this study was to review the radiological experiments on human test subjects, to make recommendations as to the propriety of continuing these studies and the record requirements on the personnel involved. Findings The records on the past experiments are inadequate. The experiments do not appear to have been in compliance with the criminal codes of the State of Washington and there is some question as to whether or not the experiments were conducted in compliance with federal laws. Discussion Experiments on human test subjects may be conducted either with or without having established formal compliance with federal and state laws. If it is desired to continue these experiments in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, this study indicates that an official endorsement of such programs testing should be specifically stated or received from the Atomic Energy commission. such an approach will involve some rad tape and delay in obtaining the necessary approval. It could very well jeopardize continuance of such programs. Nevertheless it seems that if there isn't sufficient justification to warrant conducting these programs, then we shouldn't be doing them. If it is decided to continue these unofficially it would be difficult and unwise to specify the official records requirements for undercover unofficial activities. Recommendations 1. Recommend that the gray area as to whether or not radiological experiments on human test subjects here at Hanford are in compliance with federal laws be clarified as soon as possible and in any event before further testing is done. Legal counsel can upon request secure from the Atomic Energy Commission an answer to the question as to the extent to which the AFC regards such programs as begin within the scope of our prime contract. This will resolve compliance with federal laws. 2. Recommend that if such programs are not within the scope of our prime contract and such experiments are interpreted as in violation of either federal or state laws that such experiments cease. A. R. Keene -2- December 12, 1963 3. Recommend that experiments conducted that comply with federal laws be undertaken only if they also comply with state laws. Implementation of the circumstances suggested by Professor David W. Louisell, quoted by Jules Pearlman in the attached letter dated November 21, 1963 and repeated here should give the required assurance. a. "The experiment enjoys the consensus of informed medical opinion as to its legitimacy and is not in violation of statues: b. The subject, a competent adult person, knowingly and voluntarily consents, after full explanation, and c. There has been adequate preparation by animal experimentation." 4. Recommend that the strict control of all phases of the program emphasized as necessary by Mr. Pearlman be initiated by the implementation of the formal procedure attached as Appendix A, which also assures adoption of recommendation No. 3 above. C.E. Newton, Jr., Manager COMPOSITE DOSE STUDIES & RECORDS DEN:bwe Attachments (1) Procedure for Radiological Experiments on Test Subject with enclosed form (2) Letter Legal Counsel: Subject - Voluntary and Planned Human Exposure cc: File LB APPENDIX A PROCEDURES FOR RADIOLOGICAL [ILLEGIBLE] Recommend that a formal procedure be established that would govern the conduct at Hanford of any experiments involving human test subjects. The procedure would require a project director, a review committee, and appropriate integration with RPO personnel, operating as follows: A. Project Director The Project Director is the individual who is primarily responsible for the exposure of the humans. It will be his responsibility to: 1. Prepare a written, detailed proposal for submission to the review committee. The document will contain all applicable references, if such exist, which establish a precedent for this type of study. 2. Provide data on the estimated dose levels and the anticipated effects. 3. Provide the details of the techniques to be used to give reasonable assurance that the experiment will result in the dose as planned. 4. Provide the names of the volunteer individuals involved. B. Review Committee The Review Committee shall be constituted of at least 3 members who represent the following disciplines: Medical, Radiation Protection and Biology. The membership should be appointed for no less than 1 year. It is recommended that the medical representative be a physician from the Occupational Health Operational; that the representative from Radiation Protection be the Manager of RPC and that the representative from the Biology Laboratory staff be a biophysicist. The responsibilities of the review committee will be to: 1. Determine that the applicant is qualified by training and experience to undertake the proposal. 2. Assure that the applicant's proposed equipment and facilities are adequate for the experiment. 3. Review the details of the experiment to assure that there are no undue health hazards. Reference where possible all procedures for this type of study. 4. Verify that the technical procedures are adequate to assure that the experiment will be conducted as planned. 5. Assure that the records are detailed sufficiently to provide an adequate personal history for the individuals concerned in the test. This information should be retained on a strictly private company basis. 6. Assure that the volunteers are fully orientated and medically qualified to participate in the experiment. 7. Maintain complete minutes of the committee meetings. C. RPO The responsibilities of the RPO personnel will be to: 1. Maintain complete individual records on the personnel involved (Official Use Only). 2. Verify, when it is possible to do so in advance, the estimated damages to be received by the volunteers. 3. As applicable, measure all doses after they have been received by the individual. These may be only verifications of experimental results, but will provide independent measurements. The results of these measurements are to be filed in the individual's exposure history file. The method of implementing these proposed requirements is as follows: 1. Project Director The Project Director will forward three copies of the form "Application for Approval - Radiological Experiments on Human Test Subjects" to the Chairman of the Review Committee with such attachments as may be required by the experiment. 2. Review Committee The Committee will met at the call of the Chairman, review the proposal and return a signed approved or disapproved application to the Project Director, retain one copy for official minutes and forward the third copy to Composite Dose Studies & Records, Radiation Protection Operation. 3. RPO Composite Dose Studies & Records will notify RPO components of the extent of their participation and support of the experiment. This component will maintain the official use only records regarding the exposure of the individuals concerned. 12/11/63 CE Newton:bwe Attachment ("Application for Approval - Radiological Experiments on Human Test Subjects") APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL - RADIOLOGICAL EXPERIMENTS ON HUMAN TEST SUBJECTS If it is planned to non-occupationally administer internally radioactive materials, the radiations therefrom or from any radiation producing devices such as X-ray and Van deGranff machines, this form is to be completed and submitted for approval to the committee reviewing experiments on human test subjects. 1. Project Director 2. Position Title Dept. Telephone Location Extension 3. Have you conducted this type of experiment previously Yes | | No | | At Hanford? Yes | | No | | 4. Attach investigative proposal for human use. (Attachment should include data from animal studies and/or abstract of literature reference, if any.) 5. If item 4 is not applicable, describe in detail the nature, methods to be used and objective of the test. 6. Brief statement on project director's experience with this type of radiation and its application to humans. (Do not repeat if previously submitted on prior application.) 7. If exposure dose is not obtained in precalibrated form, for oral administration, or in precalibrated and sterilized form for parental administration, describe identification, processing, and standardization procedure or for external sources, etc., calibration procedures. 8. Names and PR number of volunteer subjects. 9. Specify what arrangements have been made with Composite Dose Studies & Records, RPO, regarding the recording of exposure dose results. OFFICIAL USE ONLY REVIEW COMMITTEE ACTIONS 1. Approved (Circle answer) Conditional Yes sec No Item 2 or 4 2. Restrictions, if any, to be imposed including limits on frequency or number of experiments. 3. List of the names of the volunteers whose medical records have been reviewed and who are approved to participate in this proposal. 4. Remarks Chairman - Review Committee OFFICIAL USE ONLY