Attachment M Draft document, "Volunteer's Participation Agreement Form," Chemical Corps Medical Laboratories at the Army Medical Center in Maryland (undated) DRAFT CHEMICAL CORPS MEDICAL LABORATORIES ARMY CHEMICAL CENTER, MARYLAND FORM 1 - Volunteer's Participation Agreement NAME AGE, Race Grade Serial No. Organization Name of Nearest Relative Address of Nearest Relative Telephone Number of Nearest Relative I, , certify that the nature of the experiment I have volunteered to participate in has been explained fully from the standpoint of possible hazards to my health. I certify that I have been familiarized with the nature of the experiment and the agents to be used, commensurate with security requirements. It is my understanding that the experiment is so designed and based on the results of animal experimentation of the natural history of the disease or other problems under study that the anticipated results will justify the performance of the experiment. I understand further that the experiment will be so conducted as to avoid all unnecessary physical and mental suffering and injury, and that I will be at liberty to request that the experiment be terminated if in my opinion I have reached the physical or mental state where continuation of the experiment becomes impossible. I recognize that in the pursuit of certain experiments transitory mental disturbance or unconsciousness may occur and when such reactions seem especially likely to occur I will be so advised. I recognize, also, that under these circumstances, I must rely upon the skill and wisdom of the physician supervising the experiment to institute whatever medical or surgical measures are indicated to protect me against the possibility of serious or permanent injury and/or disability, or death. I certify that there has been no coercion, element of fraud or deceit, undue moral suasion or other adverse pressure brought to bear in my volunteering for this study. I have done so of my own free will, completely aware of all hazards, rewards and recognition involved. DATE: WITNESS: SIGNED: WITNESS: