Tab N Background Materials for Committee Briefing by Duncan Thomas: An Epidemiologic Perspective on Low-Dose Radiation Risks Readings from: "Health Effects of Exposure to Low Levels of Ionizing Radiation, BEIR V." Committee on the Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiations, Board on Radiation Effects Research, Commission on Life Sciences, National Research Council. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press, 1990. * Excerpt One - Chapter One - "Background Information and Scientific Principles," pp. 44-51. * Excerpt Two - Chapter Four - "Risk of Cancer - All Sites," pp. 167-176. * Excerpt Three - Chapter Seven - "Low Dose Epidemiological Studies," pp. 371-389. HEALTH EFFECTS OF EXPOSURE TO LOW LEVELS OF IONIZING RADIATION BEIR V Committee on the Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiations Board on Radiation Effects Research Commission on Life Sciences National Research Council NATIONAL ACADEMY PRESS Washington, D.C. 1990 CONTENTS Genetics of Cancer, 145 Effects of Age, Sex, Smoking, and Other Susceptibility Factors, 152 4 Risk of Cancer - All Sites 161 Introduction, 161 Model Fitting, 163 Risk Assessment, 171 Uncertainty in Point Estimates of Lifetime Risk, 176 ANNEX 4A Summary of Major Epidemiologic Studies Used in BEIR V 182 ANNEX 4B Changes in the Estimated Dose for A-Bomb Survivors 190 ANNEX 4C AMFIT 196 ANNEX 4D The Committee's Analysis of A-Bomb Survivor Data 198 ANNEX 4E Modeling Breast Cancer 205 ANNEX 4F Uncertainty, Probability of Causation, and Diagnostics 217 ANNEX 4G The BEIR IV Committee's Model and Risk Estimates for Lung Cancer Due to Radon Progeny 239 5 Radiogenic Cancer at Specific Sites 242 Leukemia, 242 Breast, 253 Lung, 267 Stomach, 278 Thyroid, 281 Esophagus, 298 Small Intestine, 300 Colon and Rectum, 301 Liver, 303 Skeleton, 306 Brain and Nervous System, 310 Ovary, 313 Uterus, 314 Testis, 315 Prostate, 316 Urinary Tract, 318 Parathyroid Glands, 321 Nasal Cavity and Sinuses, 324 Skin, 325 Lymphoma and Multiple Myeloma, 327 Pharynx, Hypopharynx, and Larynx, 330 Salivary Glands, 331 Pancreas, 333 6 Other Somatic and Fetal Effects 352 Cancer in Childhood Following Exposure In Utero, 352 Effects on Growth and Development, 354 Cataract of the Eye Lens, 363 Life Shortening, 363 Fertility and Sterility, 364 7 Low Dose Epidemiologic Studies 371 Introduction, 371 Diagnostic Radiography: Adult-Onset Myeloid Leukemia, 371 Fallout from Nuclear Weapons Testing, 373 Cancer Among Individuals Near Nuclear Installations, 377 Epidemiologic Studies of Workers Exposed to Low Dose, Low-LET Radiation, 379 High Natural Background Radiation, 383 Glossary 391 Index 401