Excerpt One - Chapter One - "Background Information and Scientific Principles," pp. 44-51. EPIDEMIOLOGICAL STUDIES: SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS Epidemiologic studies are a critical tool in assessing radiation risks, since they alone provide data directly applicable to humans. However, epidemiologic studies of individuals exposed to radiation have methodologic limitations which should be kept in mind when assessing the results of such studies. This section briefly summarizes these concerns. Further discussion of these issues can be found in standard textbooks on epidemiologic methods (Ma70, Ro86). Most epidemiologic studies of low-LET radiation have focused on cancer as the outcome. This discussion of epidemiologic methods and their limitations also focuses on cancer, although most of the considerations also apply to studies of other outcomes. High-Dose Studies The use of high-dose studies to quantify risk estimates involves a two-stage process. First, risk parameters that apply to the particular high-dose group under observation must be estimated from the empirical data. Second, mathematical models must then be used to extrapolate from the experience of the specific high-dose population to that of the low-dose population of interest, taking into account differences both in exposure factors such as dose and dose rate and host factors such as age, sex and race. Both steps are, of course, subject to error, and the assumptions and limitations involved in the second step will be discussed in detail later in this chapter. The problems and limitations involved in the first step are discussed here. Studies reported to date have essentially been of the retrospective cohort type. Populations receiving high doses of low-LET radiation are rare, and exposure to such doses is unlikely to occur in the future, apart from the therapeutic irradiation of patients. Such studies are subject to both sampling variability and bias. Sampling variability should generally be adequately expressed by the confidence intervals around the parameters estimated by the particular mathematical model, but bias represents a greater problem. Biases in epidemiology are generally classified as resulting from selection, information, or confounding. Selection bias can be defined as arising from any design problem that tends to make the study subjects unrepresentative of their source population. Such a bias can prevent generalization of the results. For example, if the survivors of the atomic bombings at Hiroshima and Nagasaki were healthier than the general population, their susceptibilities to radiation carcinogenesis could be different from those of the general population. In addition, selection may lead to internally biased results when the follow-up is selective. This occurs when those individuals selected for follow-up are different for differing categories of exposure and when that difference is associated with a differing underlying cancer risk. For example, if only 50% of the atomic-bomb survivors had been followed, and there were more smokers in the high-dose group that were followed than in the low-dose group, there would be an excess of lung cancer in the high-dose group that was not caused by radiation. Such a selection bias is likely to occur only when there is substantial loss to follow-up. It is unlikely that this plays a role in the major high-dose epidemiologic studies on which risk estimates are currently based, since follow-up has been essentially complete for these studies. Information bias, which refers to any process which distorts the true information on either exposure or disease status, is likely to be of more importance than selection bias. Misclassification of exposure is likely to be a major potential source of error in making risk estimates. Nondifferential misclassification with respect to exposure level leads to an underestimation of risk and tends to reduce any upward curvature in the dose-response relationship. This occurs, for example, when the distribution of errors in dose estimates is the same in the diseased and the nondiseased, as will generally be the case for most cohort studies. Other biases may be more subtle. Misclassification of disease status is particularly important when such status is determined from death certificates which are often unreliable for a number of cancer types. These errors are more likely to be differential, i.e., dependent upon a subject's exposure status, and could bias a dose-response curve away from the null. Finally, confounding--i.e., distortion of risk estimates due to the association of both exposure and disease with some other covariate, such as smoking--is unlikely to be of substantial importance in affecting risk estimation based on comparison of groups of individuals with varying degrees of exposure, but it could be of importance when an unexposed control group is also used in the estimation procedure. For example, the characteristics of the "not in the city" group in the Japanese atomic-bomb survivor study may be somewhat different from the group exposed to the radiation, and if these characteristics are associated with differing cancer risks, such confounding would have an effect on the risk estimates. This may be a particular problem with studies of patients irradiated for medical conditions if risk estimation is carried out with an unexposed comparison group, such as the general population: the condition for which irradiation is used could well be associated with an altered cancer risk. The three types of bias discussed above could all play roles in affecting the internal validity of risk estimates (i.e., the validity of the results for the particular population being studied). However, even in the absence of such biases, there remains a fundamental problem in extrapolating the risks from one population to another, for example, from the Japanese to North Americans. The method of such extrapolation depends on the mathematical model chosen; and, although empirical evidence may be available from studies carried out in both countries, there often is considerable uncertainty about the validity of the procedure that is used. The quantitative risk estimates developed in Chapter 4 of this report are based primarily on extrapolation from studies of populations exposed to high doses of radiation over relatively short periods of time. The rationale for this approach is that only these studies provide sufficiently precise estimates of risk at any dose. Risk estimates for low doses and protracted exposure could therefore be in error because of (1) an inappropriate mathematical model, or (2) biases in the high-dose epidemiologic studies used to estimate the parameters of the chosen model, as discussed above. The committee has attempted to mitigate the first problem by using sufficiently general model classes that include most of the widely accepted alternatives and by providing estimates of the range of uncertainty in the estimates. In general, the estimates of risks derived in this way for doses of less than 0.1 Gy are too small to be detectable by direct observation in epidemiologic studies. However, it is important to monitor the experience of populations exposed to such low levels of radiation, in order to assess whether the present estimates are in error by some substantial factor. Low-Dose Studies A number of low-dose studies have reported risks that are substantially in excess of those estimated in the present report. These include risks to populations exposed to high background levels of radiation, diagnostic x rays, and fallout from nuclear weapons testing or nuclear accidents, and to individuals with occupationally derived exposures. Some of these studies are discussed in more detail subsequently. Although such studies do not provide sufficient statistical precision to contribute to the risk estimation procedure per se, they do raise legitimate questions about the validity of the currently accepted estimates. The discrepancies between estimates based on high-dose studies and observations made in some low-dose studies could, as indicated above, arise from problems of extrapolation. An alternative explanation could be inappropriate design, analysis, or interpretation of results of some low-dose studies. This section discusses the particular methodologic problems which can arise in such studies, and the section on low-dose studies in Chapter 7 summarizes a number of these studies and assesses their results, taking into account the methodological limitations discussed here. The problem of random error caused by sampling variability is relatively more important for low-dose than for high-dose studies. (Sampling variation means the range of results to be expected by exact replication of the study, if this were possible; its major determinant is sample size and its distribution across exposure and disease categories.) To understand why this is so, suppose that two studies were conducted, one in a population exposed to 1 Gy and one in a population exposed to 0.01 Gy, in which similar sample sizes and designs were used, and suppose that the resulting standard errors on the log relative risk were the same. Thus, suppose the relative risk in the high-dose population was 11 with 95% confidence intervals of 5.5 and 22 and the relative risk in the low-dose population was 1.1 with confidence intervals of 0.55 and 2.2. The point estimates on the relative risk coefficient from the two studies would be identical at 10/Gy, but the confidence intervals on the high-dose estimate are 4.5 and 21 and on the low dose estimate are -4.5 and 12.0. This comparison emphasizes the importance of considering sampling variability in assessing the results of low-dose studies. In fact, the problem of sampling variation is even more serious than this simple example would indicate. The standard error of the relative risk in a simple 2 x 2 table of exposure by disease status is determined primarily by the size of the smallest cell in the table, which is usually the number of exposed cases. In most studies of low-dose effects, this cell may be quite small, so the resulting standard error is larger than that for high-dose studies, even if the overall sample sizes were the same. In general, systematic biases are also relatively more important for the objectives of low-dose studies than they are for those of high-dose studies. Because of the existence of more and larger populations exposed to low doses, low-dose studies are often ecological (correlational) or case-control studies rather than cohort studies. The ecological and case-control studies are particularly prone to bias in their design. Selection bias is a major potential problem in case-control studies: the major concern is over the appropriateness of the control group. This is a particular problem for those studies in a medical setting. Information bias leading to misclassification of either exposure or disease status, if random, leads to underestimated risk, and several low-dose studies could well involve substantial systematic misclassification, for example, misclassification because of recall bias by cases in case-control studies. Similarly, tumors which can be induced radiogenically could be overestimated in radiation-exposed individuals. Confounding may be more important for low-dose than for high-dose studies. An observed relative risk of 2 is much more likely to be produced solely by confounding than a relative risk of 10 (Br80). The possibility of confounding can only be judged on a study-by-study basis, but some generalizations are possible. Ecological correlation studies, such as the studies of areas with high levels of background radiation, are probably the most susceptible to confounding. Residents of areas with high levels of background radiation are likely to differ in many ways from those in areas with low levels of background radiation. This could affect cancer rates, but data on the relevant characteristics are unlikely to be available for analysis. As an example, exposure to radiation from terrestrial sources may vary with housing structure, which, in turn, may reflect a socioeconomic status that correlates with such factors as smoking and alcohol use. This possibility alone generally makes such studies uninterpretable, and when the ecological fallacy discussed below is also considered, these two problems alone are enough to make such studies essentially meaningless. Case-control studies, on the other hand, generally offer the greatest opportunity to control for confounding by matching or obtaining information on definable covariates for use in analysis. However, the extent to which this has been done varies from study to study. It is necessary, of course, to collect data on such confounders, and, if the confounders are not recognized in advance, the appropriate data may not be available. Finally, three other potential biases of low-dose studies should be mentioned (Be88). The first is the ecological fallacy, that is, that in correlational studies, any excess risk occurring in a population with increased exposure may be occurring in individuals other than the individuals who are actually receiving the excess exposure. Second, is the possibility of selective reporting. Epidemiologists are more likely to report and journal editors are more likely to accept positive findings than null findings. Thus, information in the literature on populations exposed to low doses of radiation may be slanted in favor of those studies that show higher risks than the conventional estimates, since those that show estimates consistent with the accepted values would not be seen as significant. The magnitude of this potential effect is unquantifiable, but it almost certainly exists and plays a role in the plethora of low-dose studies with a reported positive risk. Third, there is the problem of multiple comparisons. This arises if a number of tests of significance are made with respect to elevated risks for a number of cancer sites. Such a process invalidates the conventional value quoted for the test of significance and leads to more significant results than nominally would be expected by chance. For example, in following a cohort of occupationally exposed individuals, if comparisons are made for 10 cancer sites with a p value of 0.05, which nominally would be expected 5% of the time by chance for a single comparison, significant excesses would arise 40% of the time by chance for at least one of those outcomes. Interpretation of such results must be guided by prior hypotheses, and by consistency of results among studies, a major criterion for causality. RISK ASSESSMENT METHODOLOGY Need for Models in Risk Assessment One of the major aims of this report, as of previous BEIR reports, is to provide estimates of the risks of cancer resulting from various patterns of exposure to ionizing radiation. In principle, such estimates could be derived by identifying a group of individuals with similar exposures and similar backgrounds and following them to compare the proportion of the group who eventually developed cancer with the proportion who developed cancer in a comparable unexposed group or in the general population. For situations in which it is not possible to measure the risks directly, statistical models must be used to derive estimates. Large sample sizes are needed in any such comparisons, to minimize random variation; the rarer the disease and the smaller the effect of exposure, the larger the sample needs to be. For example, the BEIR III report estimated that a single exposure to 0.1 Gy (10 rads) of low-LET radiation might cause, at most, about 6,000 excess cases of cancer (other than leukemia and bone cancer) per million persons, as opposed to a natural incidence of about 250,000. To identify this number as a statistically significant excess, a cohort of about 60,000 people with the same exposure would have to be followed for a lifetime, or an even larger number of people would have to be studied if follow-up were for a shorter period of time. Under ideal conditions, a case-control study to identify the same excess would have to consist of at least 120,000 cases and 120,000 controls. It is unlikely that such large groups with similar exposures could be identified, let alone feasibly studied. Furthermore, even if the random variation could be overcome by the large sample sizes needed, estimates of such small excess risks (2%) could easily be biased by confounding, misclassification, or selection effects. Epidemiologists generally agree that excess risks of less than 50% are difficult to interpret causally (Br80). In practice, therefore, it is necessary to obtain risk estimates by extrapolation from smaller and less homogeneous groups who have been exposed to larger doses by using statistical dose-response models. The second problem is that there are many other factors that are known to contribute to cancer risks or to modify the effects of radiation on cancer risks, and these factors need to be taken into account. While it is theoretically possible to control for such factors by cross-classifying the data into subgroups that are homogeneous with respect to all relevant factors, it is again unlikely that sufficiently large subgroups will be available to allow for stable estimates, particularly if the number of factors is large. For investigating lung cancer, for example, it might be necessary to control for sex, age, time since exposure, and smoking habit; if four levels were used for grouping each factor other than sex, a total of 128 subgroups would be needed, each of which would need to be the minimum size if risk estimates specific to each group were to be observed directly. Since this is not generally feasible, it is necessary to rely on multivariate statistical models to identify the consistent patterns across the variables simultaneously and to predict the risks for subgroups in which the sample sizes are inadequate. The third problem is that direct estimates of lifetime risk can only be obtained after an exposed population has been followed for a lifetime. Few populations have been followed so long, and even the atomic-bomb survivors, one of the populations followed for the longest period, has been followed only for just over 40 years. As the risks for many cancers in this population are still elevated, it is an open question whether the excess risk will continue for the remainder of the population's life and, if so, at what rate. It is not appropriate to wait until follow-up is complete, however, since interim estimates of risk are needed now for public health purposes. Again, to provide such estimates, one must fall back on statistical models that adequately describe the data available so far and the range of uncertainty around them. Epidemiologic data have increasingly been called on to help resolve claims for compensation by exposed individuals. Because a radiation-induced cancer is clinically indistinguishable from cancers caused by other factors, such claims must be settled on the "balance of probabilities," in other words, by determining what was the most likely cause, given the individual's history of exposure to radiation, and taking into account confounding and modifying factors. The calculation of these probabilities of causation depends on the availability of suitable multivariate exposure-response models. A recent National Institutes of Health working group (NIH85) has provided tables of such probabilities; these were based on data that were available at the time.