Attachment 5 COMMITTEE ON MEDICAL SCIENCES RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD WASHINGTON 25, D.C. JOINT PANEL ON THE MEDICAL ASPECTS OF ATOMIC WEAPONS MINUTES 9, 10, 11 and 12 September 1952 Los Almos, California MEMBERS AND DEPUTIES PRESENT: Depository Furnished Copy _________ (Date) Civilians Dr. Joseph C. Aub Dr. Robley D. Evans Dr. Louis H. Hemplemann Dr. Robert R. Hubell U.S. Army Brig. Gen. E. DeCoursey, MC Col. John R. Wood, MC U.S. Navy ILLEGIBLE Harry ILLEGIBLE. ILLEGIBLE, MC Dr. ILLEGIBLE C. Fischler U.S. Air Force Col. John ILLEGIBLE. Talbot, MC Lt. Col. John ILLEGIBLE. ILLEGIBLE, (MSC) Maj. ILLEGIBLE L. ILLEGIBLE, (MC) ILLEGIBLE ILLEGIBLE ILLEGIBLE ILLEGIBLE ILLEGIBLE. ILLEGIBLE, ILLEGIBLE Lt. Col. ILLEGIBLE ILLEGIBLE, MC, USA Lt. Col. ILLEGIBLE ILLEGIBLE A. ILLEGIBLE, USAF (MSC) ILLEGIBLE. Eugene P. ILLEGIBLE, MC, USN THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE ESPIONAGE LAWS, TITLE 18, U.S.C., SECTIONS 793 AND 794. THE ILLEGIBLE OR THE REVELATION OF ITS CONTENTS IN ANY MANNER TO AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED BY LAW. BAW 3/10 SECURITY INFORMATION RESTRICTED 7 July 94 RG 330, Secretary of Defense ILLEGIBLE 341, RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ILLEGIBLE ILLEGIBLE ILLEGIBLE ILLEGIBLE, BUDGET, AND THE ALLOCATION OF RESEARCH AND ILLEGIBLE ILLEGIBLE 194ILLEGIBLE - ILLEGIBLE BOX 265 FILE 31 MINUTES BAW BAW 3/10 1 COMMITTEE STAFF Dr. F. Lloyd ILLEGIBLE CDR Joseph P. Pollard, MC, USN Col. Charles E. ILLEGIBLE, USAF, MC 1st Lt. John D. ILLEGIBLE, MC, USAF OTHERS Dr. Thomas L. Shipman - Health Division, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory Dr. George V. LeRoy - Panel Consultant Dr. Austin ILLEGIBLE -Argonne National Laboratory Col. Roy Maxwell, MSC - Army Medical Center CAPT Herman F. ILLEGIBLE, MC, USN - Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory Lt. Col. Jay P. ILLEGIBLE USA - Committee on Atomic Energy, ILLEGIBLE ITEM 1 - Approval of the Minutes The Panel: Approved the minutes of the 9th meeting. ITEM 2 - Introduction of Visitors The Chairman: Welcomed the visitors to the panel meeting. ITEM 3 - Facility and Program Review The Panel: Noted with appreciation the presentation of the program of the Health Division of the Los Almos Scientific Laboratory and the assistance of the secretarial staff of the laboratory in the preparation of the Program Guidance Report. ITEM 4 - Program Guidance 1952 The Panel: Prepared Program Guidance Report 1952, dated 12 September 1952. ITEM 5 - Report of Plans for Conference on Hazards of Radioactive ILLEGIBLE The Panel: Noted the tentative plans to hold such a conference under the auspices of the AEC sometime later this year. BAW 3/10 SECURITY INFORMATION RESTRICTED 7 July 94 RG 330, Secretary of Defense ILLEGIBLE 341, RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ILLEGIBLE ILLEGIBLE ILLEGIBLE ILLEGIBLE, BUDGET, AND THE ALLOCATION OF RESEARCH AND ILLEGIBLE ILLEGIBLE 194ILLEGIBLE - ILLEGIBLE BOX 265 FILE 31 MINUTES BAW 2 ITEM 6 - Report of the Argonne Incident The Panel: Noted with appreciation the presentation of Dr. Austin ILLEGIBLE of the data concerning this incident. ITEM 7 - Report of Biomedical Program of the Next Atom Bomb Test The Panel: Noted the proposed projects of the biomedical program. ITEM 8 - Report on Plans for ILLEGIBLE for Therapy of Nuclear Radiation Injury The Panel: Noted the preparation by the NRC and ILLEGIBLE of the manual, Emergency Treatment in Major Disasters; and suggested that the staff ILLEGIBLE the radiation section with interested parties. ITEM 9 - First of Projects Dealing with Radiation Detection Instruments The Panel: Noted the above digest. ITEM 10 - Other Business The Panel: A. Agreed that the section of the panel report entitled, "Psychological Studies," be deleted, and that instead a resolution directed through the Committee on Medical Sciences to the Committee on Human Resources, pointing the psychological problems of AW which the panel ILLEGIBLE was to be important, with the request that the Committee on Human Resources ILLEGIBLE including ILLEGIBLE in its program guidance report; further, that the portion of the ILLEGIBLE guidance report dealing with psycho-ILLEGIBLE ILLEGIBLE of radiation on ILLEGIBLE (and when ILLEGIBLE on man) be transferred to that section of the panel report entitled, "Biological Effects of Radiation." B. Passed the following motion for transmission to the Committee on Human Resources. It is possible that inclination to panic in the 7 July 94 RG 330, Secretary of Defense ILLEGIBLE 341, RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ILLEGIBLE ILLEGIBLE ILLEGIBLE ILLEGIBLE, BUDGET, AND THE ALLOCATION OF RESEARCH AND ILLEGIBLE ILLEGIBLE 194ILLEGIBLE - ILLEGIBLE BOX 26 3 face of BW and RW may prove high. It seems advisable, therefore, to increase research efforts in the scientific study of panic and its genesis, and to seek means for its prophylaxis. The panel is enthusiastic for the Disaster Studies project already initiated. In addition to observation on spontaneous panic in ILLEGIBLE it would seem promising to seek out techniques for experimental production of panic in animals. The panel agrees that the emotional stress of a radioactive hazard is likely to be abnormal because troops have no way to measure the hazard. This can complicate the problems of command. The panel supports the point of view that the troop participation in tests of atomic weapons is ILLEGIBLE. As many men as possible ought to be exposed to this ILLEGIBLE under safe conditions. Psychological evaluation is difficult and results can be expected to appear superficially trivial, but the matter is of such extreme importance that the ILLEGIBLE should be persisted in, utilizing every opportunity. C. Passed the following ILLEGIBLE: Whereas the Joint Panel on the Medical Aspects of Atomic Warfare, concerned with the hazard of flying through an atomic cloud, feels that deficiencies of knowledge exist in cloud rise, dispersion with yield, at latitudes of low and double ILLEGIBLE, and at extreme meteorological conditions of 1C/10o cloud cover of one or more cloud ILLEGIBLE, since this relates to ILLEGIBLE rational procedures for evasive action, etc., definitive theoretical and field evaluation should be accomplished with emphasis on Arctic operations where these weather conditions or, ILLEGIBLE therefore, be it received that the subject ILLEGIBLE considered by the Research and Development ILLEGIBLE implementation. D. Passed the following motion: It is recommended that the approved Program Guidance Report of the Panel should be made immediately available through appropriate channels to the commanding officers of service research laboratories. This is 7 July 94 RG 330, Secretary of Defense ILLEGIBLE 341, RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ILLEGIBLE ILLEGIBLE ILLEGIBLE ILLEGIBLE, BUDGET, AND THE ALLOCATION OF RESEARCH AND ILLEGIBLE ILLEGIBLE 194ILLEGIBLE - ILLEGIBLE BOX 26 4 only for the purpose of dissemination of information to working groups and is not to be considered a research directive to such groups. E. The Panel: Noted the appointment of Dr. George V. LeRoy as panel consultant. F. The Panel: Noted the minutes of the Dosimetry Conference, University of Chicago, 10 Jun 1952 ITEM 11 - Date and Place of ILLEGIBLE ILLEGIBLE The Panel: Agreed to held its next meeting on 7, 8, and 9 January 1953, the place of the meeting to be decided by the staff. F. LLOYD ILLEGIBLE, ILLEGIBLE Executive Director Committee on Medical Sciences 7 July 94 RG 330, Secretary of Defense ILLEGIBLE 341, RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ILLEGIBLE ILLEGIBLE ILLEGIBLE ILLEGIBLE, BUDGET, AND THE ALLOCATION OF RESEARCH AND ILLEGIBLE ILLEGIBLE 194ILLEGIBLE - ILLEGIBLE BOX 26 5 BAW 3/10