ATTACHMENT 9: EXCERPT FROM PROPOSAL ENTITLED "BETA HAZARD EXPERIMENT USING VOLUNTEER MILITARY PERSONNEL," 1963 1,2,3 1 3 OCRD 43343 2 3 A&A (R&D) Lt Col C. W. Cook Beta Hazard Experiment Using Volun- CRD/N teer Military Personnel PURPOSE To obtain the approval of the Secretary of the Army to use volunteer subjects in research involving nuclear radiation. DISCUSSION 1. Army Regulations 70-25 require the consent of the Secretary of the Army for research wherein volunteer subjects will be deliberately exposed to nuclear radiation. These regulations further provide that Chief of Research and Development will submit the research proposal together with the review and recommendations of The Surgeon General to the Secretary of the Army for approval. 2. The U.S. Army Nuclear Defense Laboratory has requested approval of an experiment to determine the military significance of the beta radiation hazard under field clothing contaminated with radioactivity. (Incl 1) In spite of the theoretical studies made of this problem and the large amount of data obtained from nuclear testing, insufficient data is available to make a definitive determination of the hazard. There is wide disagreement among authorities on the subject. Opinions range from the belief that no hazard exists to the belief that a serious risk to health is involved. 3. The proposed experiment to be conducted at the U.S. Army Nuclear Defense Laboratory Field Facility, ILLEGIBLE McCoy, Wisconsin, beginning on 22 april 1963, will involve 12 volunteer enlisted men. They will be exposed to a whole body radiation dose not to exceed 3 ILLEGIBLE during a period of five days. This does not exceed that permitted by Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Chapter 20, "Standards for Protection Against Ionizing Radiation." The project officer will be Mr. John L. Meredity, MDL, and the attending physician will be Colonel Louise E. Browning, MC, CTSG. 4. The Surgeon General has reviewed the research proposal and recommends approval (1st Ind of Incl 1). RECOMMENDATION: That the Secretary of the Army give his consent to conduct the subject research and sign the attached memorandum (Incl 2). COORDINATION: None required. 2 Incl 1. 1st Incl. 15 Apr 63 fr OTSG, w/incl 2. Memo for sig of S/A MEDDH-NE (12 Apr 63) 1st Ind SUBJECT: Beta Hazard Experiment Using Volunteer Military Personnel DA, OTSG, Washington 25, D.C., TO: Chief of Research and Development, Department of the Army, ATTN: CRD/N, Washington 25, D.C. Recommend approval of use of volunteers as outlined in Inclosure 1, basic communication, provided these volunteers are at least 20 years of age and that their individual previous and contemplated exposures will not total 5(N-18), where N is the individuals age in years at his last birthday. FOR THE SURGEON GENERAL: 1 Incl LAURENCE A. POTTER (dup w/d) Colonel, MC Executive Officer TAB I