DISCLAIMER The following is a staff memorandum or other working document prepared for the members of the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments. It should not be construed as representing the final conclusions of fact or interpretation of the issues. All staff memoranda are subject to revision based on further information and analysis. For conclusions and recommendations of the Advisory Committee, readers are advised to consult the Final Report to be published in 1995. TAB E þþþDRAFTþFOR DISCUSSION PURPOSESþþþ MEMORANDUM TO: Members of the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments FROM: Research Proposal Review Subcommittee DATE: September 28, 1994 RE: Status Report of Subcommittee Activities EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) granted clearance to the Research Proposal Review Project under the provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980, which enables the Research Proposal Review Subcommittee and staff to commence sampling and reviewing of proposals. The Subcommittee decided to devote all available resources to the review of FY 1993 research and not to additionally pursue a review of post-1974 published reports of human radiation research. A plan for sampling FY 1993 human subjects research proposals has been devised, in which the entire universe of research projects involving ionizing radiation exposure to human subjects and a sample of non-radiation research will be drawn for review. Based on the capacity of the Advisory Committee and staff and on the number of research proposals anticipated, a tentative time frame for carrying our the various stages of the project has been developed. I. SAMPLING PLAN AND REVIEW OF PROPOSALS The Subcommittee devised a plan for sampling human research proposals that were approved and funded in FY 1993: Research Involving Ionizing Radiation: Request IRB materials from universities for all FY 1993 research projects involving the exposure of human subjects to research applications of ionizing radiation (including tissue studies , if the tissue was collected after subject's exposure to ionizing radiation), Nþ250. Expect 50% return rate within our time frame, or ~125 projects to review. Research not Involving Ionizing Radiation: Draw a random sample of 100 non-radiation FY 1993 human studies. Divide the 100 proportionately over HHS, DOE, DoD, VA, and NASA to correspond to agency proportion overall. Expect a 50% hit rate, or Nþ5 to review. 1 The sample of non-radiation FY 1993 human studies will be drawn to parallel the universe of FY 1993 studies involving ionizing radiation according to the following stratification criteria: Funding agency Intramural or extramural Single site or multi-center site (possible criterion) Cancer studies or non-cancer studies Randomized clinical trial or not Staff has received abstracts of all FY 1993 human radiation research projects from HHS, DOE, DoD, VA, and NASA, in addition to lists of all non-radiation research from this period. Staff is currently assessing the number of projects constituting the universe of human research involving ionizing radiation. Table E.1 illustrates the breakdown of studies involving ionizing radiation (by agency) according to experimental category. This information will enable staff to send out highly specific requests to universities for IRB materials. A master list of all human radiation research abstracts, set up as a computer database, will serve to track the status of requests to universities as well as a means to select the parallel sample of non-radiation studies as a comparison group. Our requests to universities and other research institutions will include the following: IRB applications, including project proposals; consent form as approved by the IRB; and the final disposition letter. 2 TABLE E.1 [Shaded cells are currently being determined] BREAKDOWN BY AGENCY OF HUMAN RESEARCH INVOLVING IONIZING RADIATION APPROVED AND FUNDED IN FY 1993 {FOR REFERENCE SEE 7bb001} 3 II. TIME FRAME, RESOURCES, AND CAPACITY The following time frame has been proposed for the various stages of the Research Proposal Review Project: TABLE E.2 TENTATIVE TIME FRAME FOR RESEARCH PROPOSAL REVIEW PROJECT T A S K D E A D L I N E 1. Design and execute sampling frame 11/15 Obtain lists and abstracts from agencies 9/20 Staff review of abstracts 9/29 Finalize sampling 10/5 Request letters sent to universities 10/10 2. Finalize evaluation criteria 11/15 Consultant review 10/31 3. Train "reviewers" 11/15 4. Conduct reviews 11/15 - 2/15 5. Analyze and interpret findings3/15 Interim results 2/15 (prior to Feb. mtg) Maximum capacity is estimated at approximately 200 research projects to be reviewed between November 15, 1994 and February 15, 1995. Each project will have two independent reviews and a third review to resolve any discordance; an estimated total of 500 reviews will be conducted. Twelve weeks have been set aside to conduct the reviews. The "review load" will be lighter in month 1 than in months 2 and 3. A core review group of staff and Committee members will conduct the reviews; staff will conduct approximately 350 reviews, and Committee members will conduct approximately 150 reviews. Advisory Committee members also will serve as "consultant reviewers," particularly with respect to evaluation of medical risks and prospect for medical benefit. 4