Attachment 3 Declassification Section March 19, 1947 Major B.M. Brundage, MC, Chief, Medical Division CLEARANCE OF TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS SYMBOL: AECT 1. Reference is made to five technical documents which were referred to this office for comment. 2. The Medical Division agrees with Public Relations that the document "Studies of Human Exposure to Uranium Compounds" should remain in a classified state at least for the present because of possible medical legal complications. 3. The Medical Division also agrees with Public Relations that it would be unwise to release the paper "Distribution and Excretion of Plutonium" primarily because of medical legal aspects in the use of plutonium in human beings and secondly because of the objection of Dr. Warren and Colonel Cooney that Plutonium is not available for extra Commission experimental work, and thus this paper's distribution is not essential to off Project experimental procedures. 4. The Medical Division agrees with Public Relations that the document "Reactions of Human Skin to Single Doses of Beta Rays" may be released inasmuch as it does not contain experimental work peculiar to the studies of the Atomic Energy Commission. 5. We are also in agreement with Public Relations that the paper "Uranium Excretion Studies" should not be declassified because of the fact that it is pointed out that certain Commission personnel were hospitalized for excretion tests. 6. We disagree with Public Relations on the paper "Catalasuria as a Sensitive Test for Uranium" inasmuch as it also contains reference not only to excretion tests on Commission personnel but also on other patients. 7. As regards the paper "Health Physics and Its Control of Exposures at Clinton Laboratories", unless further evidences can be shown that the material is already released it is felt that the discussions of decontamination of laundry on Page 3 is still a matter of classified information. On Page 6, first paragraph, a discussion of fatal amount of plutonium in the body should certainly be referred to Public Relations as we do not believe that this is a discussion that should be put in unrestricted papers.