Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments _____________________________________________ Panel Meeting Spokane, Washington November 21, 1994 9:00 a.m. Call to Order Jerry Garcia 9:05 A.M. Welcome and Introduction Dr. Reed Tuckson, Chair, Outreach Subcommittee Dr. Duncan Thomas, Committee member Dr. Susan Lederer, Committee member Dr. Henry Royal, Committee member 9:15 to 10:30 GROUP ONE . Mr. Leonard Schroeter, Seattle, WA *Attachment 1 . Mrs. Gertie Hanson, Citizens Against Nuclear Weapons and Exterminations . Mr. Al Conklin, Department of Health, state of Washington . Mr. Harold Bibeau, Portland, OR . Ms. Catherine Knox, Department of Corrections, Oregon *Attachment 2 . Mr. Jim Thomas, Seattle, WA *Attachment 3 10:30 to 10:40 Break 10:40 to 12:15 P.M.GROUP TWO . Ms. Trisha Pritikin, Berkeley, CA *Attachment 4 . Mr. Fredrick William Larson, Ocean Park,WA *Attachment 5 . Mrs. Brenda Weaver, Spokane, WA . Mr. Tom Bailie, Mesa, WA . Mr. Lynn Grover & Mrs. Michelle Grover, Mesa, WA . Mr. Geoffrey Sea, International Radiation Injury Survivors, Oakland, CA 12:15 P.M. to 1:15Lunch þþ OVER þþ 1:15 to 2:30GROUP THREE ù Mrs. Kathy Jacobovitch, Vashon Island, WA ù Mrs. JoAnne Watts, Grants Pass, OR *Attachment 6 ù Mrs. Theresa Potts, Couer d'Alene, ID and Mr. Tom Cooper, Couer d'Alene, ID ù Mrs. Kay Sutherland, Walla Walla, WA ù Mrs. Beverly Aleck, Anchorage, Alaska *Attachment 7 ù Ms. Sherri Lozon, Nez Pierce Tribe *Attachment 8 2:30 to 2:40Break 2:40 to 4:10GROUP FOUR ù Mrs. Jeanne Haycraft, Enterprise, OR ù Ms. Darcy Thrall, Benton City, WA *Attachment 9 ù Ms. Lynne Stembridge, Hanford Education Action League ù Mrs. Lois Camp, LaCrosse, WA *Attachment 10 ù Ms. Lynn Horn & Mr. Charlie Miller, Spokane, WA ù Mr. Charles Lombard, Spokane, WA 4:10 to 4:20Break 4:20 to 5:30GROUP FIVE ù Mr. Curt Leslie, Wallua, WA ù Mr. Rex Harter, Mesa, WA ù Mr. David Vanderbilt, Ione, WA ù Mr. Wendell Ogg, Knoxville, TN ù Mrs. Iris Hedman Othello, WA