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FOIA Advisory Committee Begins Posting Oversight Reports

Posted on February 5, 2015

For more information contact:
Nate Jones- 202/944-7000, nsarchiv@gwu.edu

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As part of the Federal Freedom of Information Act Advisory Committee's mission to "to foster dialog between the Administration and the requester community, solicit public comments, and develop consensus recommendations for improving FOIA administration and proactive disclosures," the FOIA Oversight and Accountability Subcommittee has begun to compile a list of previously released reports on agencies' compliance with the law. Nate Jones of the National Security Archive is a member of the full committee.

Our goal is to learn from past successes and challenges as we attempt to forge greater collaboration between agencies and the FOIA requester community. And we need your help.  The current list is only a start.  Please submit reports that we have missed, including reports from the executive branch, legislative branch, and private sector.

Finally, please also help us study the content of these reports with an aim towards developing strategies that the FOIA Advisory Committee can implement to ensure that more documents are released to more requesters more quickly.

Suggestions of additional documents and FOIA Oversight and Accountability strategies may be submitted to https://ogis.archives.gov/foia-advisory-committee/contact-us-submit-comments.htm. This collection of documents has also been posted on the FOIA Oversight and Accountability Subcommittee's official page.



[Documents marked NEW are added July 23, 2015]

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