mohamedou slahi

Detainee #760

Mohamedou Slahi is a citizen of Mauritania who was detained in that country’s capital city in November 2001.  Suspected by the United States of involvement in the so-called millennium plot two years before, Slahi was rendered to Jordan where he was held until July 2002, when he was turned over to American custody.  Sent to the prison camp at Guantanamo, he became the subject of a “special interrogation plan” approved by Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld.  The Pentagon’s 2005 Schmidt-Furlow report concluded that Slahi’s treatment – which included extreme temperatures and threats made against his family – violated the Uniform Code of Military Justice.  Now in his seventh year in U.S. custody, Slahi remains at Guantanamo.  No charges have been filed against him.

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