documents on East Timor invasion
Indonesia/East Timor Documentation Project
Parliament Should Release Truth Commission Report Immediately"
International Center for Transitional Justice
November 28, 2005
In the news
lied to cover up war crimes in 1975 invasion of island"
By Richard Lloyd Parry
The Times (UK)
November 30, 2005
show Britain covered up murders of 5 journalists in RI's 1975 invasion
of E. Timor"
Associated Press
December 1, 2005
show complicity on Timor"
By Donald Greenlees
International Herald Tribune
December 1, 2005
documents expose US backing for Indonesian invasion of East Timor"
Agence France-Presse
December 2, 2005
Years After the Indonesian Invasion of East Timor, Will the U.S.
Be Held Accountable for its Role in the Slaughter?"
Democracy Now!
December 7, 2005
Timor Revisited
Kissinger and the Indonesian Invasion, 1975-76
Today, as East Timorese President Xanana Gusmão transmits
to East Timor's Parliament the 2,500 page final report of the country's
for Reception, Truth and Reconciliation (CAVR) on human
rights violations committed in East Timor between 1974 and 1999,
the National Security Archive is making available some of the more
than 1,000 formerly classified U.S. and British
documents that it and British researchers provided
to assist the work of the Commission. The CAVR's final report, which
has not yet been made public, strongly criticizes the role of the
international community in supporting Indonesia's invasion and occupation
of East Timor and calls for reparations from the governments of
the U.S. and United Kingdom and from Western arms manufacturers.
Timorese youth being tortured and killed by a member of the
Indonesian military (Released by Mr. Jose Ramos-Horta in 1996) |
The CAVR report is the culmination of a three year process begun in
January 2002. The CAVR's mandate was to document and assess responsibility
for human rights abuses that occurred in East Timor beginning in 1974,
when Portugal began the decolonization process, and continuing from
1975 through 1999, during which time Indonesia invaded and occupied
the territory. In support of this process, the National Security Archive's
Indonesia-East Timor documentation project in the spring of 2002 approached
the CAVR and offered its assistance in gathering U.S. documents needed
to fulfill the commission's mandate. According to the CAVR,
the timing of the release to the public of either the 2,500 page
report or its executive summary will now be determined by East Timor's
Parliament. While respectful of the prerogatives of East Timor's
Parliament to determine the timing and manner of the final report's
release, the National Security Archive's Indonesia and East Timor
Documentation Project is releasing these U.S. and British documents
in the hopes of encouraging the speediest possible release and widest
possible dissemination of the CAVR's findings.
The Archive has worked for many years to open U.S. government files
on Indonesia and East Timor. In December 2001, the Archive posted
newly declassified documents showing that Secretary
of State Henry Kissinger and President Gerald Ford gave the green
light to Indonesia's 1975 invasion of East Timor, the beginning
of a 24-year occupation in which more than 100,000 Timorese died
(Readers are invited to refer to this earlier briefing book for
historical background on East Timor and Indonesia's 1975 invasion).
For several reasons, we believed that it was important to assist
East Timor's truth commission process. First, the CAVR was operating
under severe financial and personnel constraints that limited its
ability to interview personnel and gather information and documents
relevant to its mandate. Documents from the U.S. and other countries
could thus help to fill important gaps in the CAVR's knowledge of
human rights violations from 1974 to 1979 and the role of international
actors in supporting the invasion and occupation of East Timor.
Second, our work with the CAVR builds on the Archive's collaboration
with and support for other national truth commissions in Central
and Latin America. Finally, we felt it was critical to clarify the
U.S. role in one of the most horrific acts of mass violence in post-World
War II history. The work of truth commissions in Guatemala, Argentina
and other nations has demonstrated that mass atrocities such as
those committed in East Timor often have a crucial international
dimension in the form of military, diplomatic and political support
provided for human rights abusing regimes by the international community,
including the United States.
Much remains unknown about the U.S. relationship with the authoritarian
Suharto regime between 1975 and 1998, the nature of Washington's
military support for the Indonesian armed forces and U.S. knowledge
of ongoing atrocities and abuses in East Timor and Indonesia itself
during this period. These documents represent a first, fragmentary
step in recovering this history.
In January 2003 the CAVR wrote
to U.S. President George W. Bush requesting the Administration's
cooperation in declassifying U.S. documents on a select number of
egregious cases of human rights abuses, U.S. military assistance
to Indonesia, and Indonesian military/militia violence in 1999.
While the U.S. did provide financial assistance to the CAVR process,
the Bush Administration released no documents to the commission
in response to its requests.
During this same period, however, Archive staff and researchers
gathered some 2,000 pages of documents from the National Archives
and the Nixon, Ford and Carter presidential libraries. The project
director also filed approximately 150 Freedom of Information Act
and Mandatory Review requests resulting in the declassification
and release of more than 1,000 documents totaling nearly 4,500 pages.
Archive staff transferred these documents in PDF format onto a CD-ROM
with an Excel index and gave them to the CAVR. The CAVR in turn
used these documents to help draft portions of its final report
dealing with the history of Indonesia's invasion and occupation
and the role of international actors.
the Documents
The vast bulk of the documents declassified for the CAVR by the
Indonesia-East Timor documentation project concern the period immediately
leading up to and following the Indonesian invasion of East Timor
(1975 through 1978), as well as the months leading up to and following
East Timor's 1999 vote for independence. Hundreds of additional
documents have since been declassified, including more than 1,000
pages concerning the 1999 referendum and Indonesian sponsorship
of terrorist militias in East Timor. Many of these documents will
be made available in future Archive briefing books (copies of which
will be provided to the East Timorese government), and eventually
in a larger published collection of documents concerning U.S. relations
with Indonesia during the Suharto New Order period (1965 to 1999).
the Documents Show
The Archive's postings reveal a consistent pattern by successive
U.S. administrations - stretching over twenty-five years - of subordinating
East Timor's right to self-determination to its relations with Indonesia.
They also demonstrate that Washington realized Indonesia's intention
of taking East Timor by force far earlier than previously recognized,
was aware of - and discounted or suppressed - credible reports of
ongoing Indonesian atrocities from 1975 to 1983, turned a blind
eye to the extensive use of U.S. weapons in East Timor, and through
1999 viewed the crisis in East Timor primarily as a distraction
from its priority of maintaining close relations with the Indonesian
government and armed forces. (Since this briefing book overlaps
with the Archive's previous document release on East Timor, readers
are encouraged to consult that briefing book for more background
on the Portuguese revolution, the decolonization of East Timor,
the period immediately surrounding the invasion of East Timor and
other essential material) Among the revelations in these documents:
- Almost immediately after Portugal's so-called "Carnation
Revolution" in 1974 U.S. officials, along with their British
and Australian counterparts, became aware of Indonesia's intentions
of incorporating the territory of Portuguese Timor, by force if
necessary. As early as December, 1974, Document
2 demonstrates, Indonesian officials were sounding out the
views of U.S. officials regarding a military takeover of Timor.
- Nearly ten months prior to Indonesia's invasion of East Timor,
the U.S. Embassy in Jakarta and the State Department were paying
close attention to the Indonesian military buildup and propaganda
campaign. By March, 1975, Document 4 shows,
the National Security Council was recommending "a policy
of silence" regarding Indonesia's intention to "incorporate
Portuguese Timor by force."
- As previously leaked CIA intelligence analyses show, the Ford
Administration followed Indonesia's mounting invasion of East
Timor on a nearly daily basis and at the highest levels. In Document
9, a transcript of Secretary of State Henry Kissinger's October
8, 1975 staff meeting, the Secretary was told "It looks like
the Indonesians have begun the attack on Timor." Kissinger's
only response was to ask his staff "I'm assuming you're really
going to keep your mouth shut on this subject?"
- As Document 11 reveals, on the eve of President
Ford and Secretary Kissinger's December 5, 1975 arrival in Jakarta,
upon hearing that an Indonesian invasion of East Timor was imminent,
the U.S. State Department explicitly suggested that U.S. Ambassador
David Newsom request that Indonesia "take no military action
until well after the President's departure from Jakarta."
- Ford Administration officials knew from the start that Indonesia
launched its invasion of East Timor almost entirely with U.S.
equipment, and that the use of this equipment was illegal. A National
Security Council report compiled less than a week after the invasion,
Document 15 offers a weapon-by-weapon description
of the U.S. arms used by invading Indonesian troops.
- Anxious about a possible cutoff of U.S. military assistance
to Indonesia in the wake of its invasion of East Timor, Document
16 records U.S. Ambassador Newsom recommending contingency
plans for covertly circumventing any possible Congressional ban.
- In mid-1977, Carter Administration officials, led by then National
Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski, blocked attempts (Document
23) by a U.S. Congressman, Donald Fraser (MN) to obtain a
copy of the explosive cable transcribing President Ford and Secretary
of State Kissinger's December 6, 1975 meeting with Indonesian
President Suharto in which Ford and Kissinger "went out of
their way on the eve of the GOI move on Timor to assure Suharto
of an understanding attitude by the U.S." Twenty four years
later, in December 2001, the National Security Archive published
the full text of this cable.
- In a May 10, 1978 meeting with President Suharto in Jakarta
(Document 29), then Vice-President Walter
Mondale discussed with the Indonesian President the Administration's
desire for expanded arms sales to Jakarta and recommended "how
to handle public relations aspects of the [Timor] problem"
in ways that would "have a beneficial impact on U.S. public
- Through the 1980s, U.S. officials continued to receive credible
reports of Indonesian massacres of Timorese civilians. As these
cables (Document 33 and Document
34) concerning Indonesian military massacres of hundreds of
civilians in September 1983 demonstrate, the U.S. Embassy in Jakarta
generally dismissed such reports, even when they came from Indonesian
- By 1993, the U.S. Ambassador in Jakarta was suggesting (Document
36) that the Suharto regime's effort to integrate East Timor
into Indonesia had failed, observing that "the repressive
and pervasive Indonesian military presence is the main obstacle
to the government's goal of integration," a goal which would
"never be palatable as long as it is demanded at gunpoint."
- In September 1999 the CIA reported (Document
38) on Indonesian military and militia violence following
East Timor's vote for independence as a form of terrorism, reporting
that "the military has supported or worked alongside the
- Even after Indonesia's wanton destruction of East Timor in September
1999, the murder of an estimated 1500 Timorese and the reluctant
severing of U.S. military ties with Indonesia, U.S. Ambassador
Jean Stapleton Roy told Indonesian military officials (Document
39) of the Clinton Administration's desire to not let East
Timor "further damage ties between the two nations"
and emphasized the need to "pay attention to Indonesian sensitivities"
regarding the deaths of Indonesians in East Timor during the 24
year Indonesian occupation.
Note: The following documents are in PDF format.
You will need to download and install the free Adobe
Acrobat Reader to view. Document
1: Memo from Walt Rostow to Averell Harriman, "Indonesia
and Portuguese Timor," February 5, 1963, 16pp.
Source: National Archives and Records Administration
This contingency paper prepared by the State Department more than
twelve years before Indonesia's invasion of East Timor demonstrates
that the U.S. government had long been concerned about possible
Indonesian designs on the territory. It argues that "self-determination
for Portuguese Timor is meaningless for the indefinite future,"
but notes that "Indonesia has no legal basis for a claim to
the territory." In the event of an Indonesian attack on Timor,
something the State Department considers virtually inevitable, the
paper concludes that the U.S. would have "for reasons of principle"
to "take action against Indonesia at the U.N."
2: National Security Council Memo from W.R. Smyser to Henry
Kissinger, "Another Meeting with Your Indonesian Contacts,"
December 30, 1974, 2pp.
Source: Gerald Ford Library
This memo summarizes a recent meeting with Indonesian Defense Attaché?
General Nichlaney and refers to Kissinger's back channel contacts
with Indonesian officials. Nichlaney describes the Indonesian government's
"interest in knowing the American attitude toward Portuguese
Timor (and, by implication, our reaction to a possible Indonesian
3: U.S. Embassy Jakarta Telegram, "Propaganda Campaign
re Portuguese Timor Continues; As the Official Denials of GOI Plans
for Military Takeover," February 27, 1975, 4pp.
Source: Freedom of Information Act Release to the
National Security Archive
This telegram describes "obvious GOI-authored propaganda"
in the Indonesian press alleging a "hate Indonesia" campaign
in Portuguese Timor and warning of a looming Communist takeover.
Notes "mixed signals currently emanating from Jakarta re GOI
intentions vis-à-vis Portuguese Timor, as well as embarrassment
of GOI over widespread reports planned Indonesian takeover,"
referring to leaked Indonesian military plans published in the Australian
4: National Security Council Memo from W.R. Smyser to Henry
Kissinger, "Policy Regarding Possible Indonesian Military Action
against Portuguese Timor," March 4, 1975
Source: Gerald Ford Library
This "Top Secret" memo spells out for the National Security
Advisor Indonesian political and military preparations for a move
to "incorporate Portuguese Timor by force" and outlines
possible U.S. policy responses. Reports U.S. Ambassador to Indonesia
David Newsom's recommendation of "a policy of silence"
and argument that the U.S. has "considerable interests in Indonesia
and none in Timor." Kissinger signs off on Smyser's recommendations.
5: Telegram 3399 from U.S. Consulate Surabaya to U.S. Embassy
Jakarta, "Estimate of Indonesian Military Capabilities,"
March 3, 1975
Source: Freedom of Information Act Release to the
National Security Archive
Cable outlines likely problems confronting any Indonesian invasion
of East Timor, noting that "there is no potential reservoir
of sympathy for Indonesian over lordship among the Timorese elite
or the population at large." The U.S. consul concludes that
"without local intelligence and a sympathetic population, conducting
military operations in Timor would tax the capabilities of the best
armed forces in the world."
6: Telegram 10244 from U.S. Embassy in Jakarta to State Department,
"Indonesia and Portuguese Timor," August 21, 1975
Source: Gerald Ford Library
In this crucial record of a conversation between U.S. Ambassador
Newsom and General Yoga of the Indonesian Armed Forces, the Ambassador
outlined U.S. policy in support East Timor's "peaceful"
incorporation into Indonesia, but cautions that forcible incorporation
might trigger a Congressional aid cutoff. Newsom goes on to note,
however, in what can only be characterized as a diplomatic wink
and nod, "the executive was more sympathetic to Indonesia's
position than the Congress, and that he hoped Yoga understood."
7: Memorandum of Conversation between Presidents Ford and Suharto,
5 July 1975, 12:40 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Source: Gerald R. Ford Library, National Security
Adviser Memoranda of Conversations, Box 13, July 5, 1965 - Ford,
Kissinger, Indonesian President Suharto
This document records a conversation between
Suharto and Ford at Camp David on July 5, 1975, five months before
the invasion of East Timor. Speaking only a few months after the
collapse of the Thieu regime in South Vietnam, the two presidents
shared a tour d'horizon of East Asian political issues, U.S. military
assistance to Indonesia, international investment, and Portuguese
decolonization. Fearing greater political and ideological ferment
in the region following the Communist victory in Vietnam, Suharto
saw his ideological concoction "Pancasila" (possibly misspelled
"Pantechistita" in the document) as useful, no doubt because
its emphasis on consensus excluded any oppositional political activity.(19)
Not taking “consensus” for granted, Suharto wanted U.S.
help in building up his military machine to increase its mobility
for dealing with insurgent elements, noting that, “Especially
at this moment, intelligence and territorial operations are very
important.” Ford proposed setting up a joint commission to
scrutinize Suharto's military request but wanted Kissinger to settle
the details.
Suharto brought up the question of Portuguese decolonization in
East Timor proclaiming his support for “self-determination”
but also dismissing independence as unviable: “So the only
way is to integrate [East Timor] into Indonesia.” Without
mentioning Fretilin by name, Suharto misleadingly characterized
it as “almost Communist” and criticized the group for
boycotting the decolonization meeting in Macao. Suharto claimed
that Indonesia did not want to interfere with East Timor's self-determination
but implied that it might have to because “those who want
independence are those who are Communist-influenced.”
While Lisbon still had legal sovereignty over East Timor, apparently
neither Ford nor Suharto discussed the implications for Indonesian
policy. Although Washington had worked closely with the Salazar
dictatorship that ruled Portugal for decades, it was now deeply
suspicious of the new social democratic regime in Lisbon; with its
exaggerated concerns about a Communist coup, the Ford administration
considered the possibility of expelling Portugal from NATO and supporting
an independence movement in the Azores (where the U.S. had important
military facilities). Thus, from Ford's and Kissinger's perspective
in 1975, Portugual's role in the region was of little interest and
did not pose an important obstacle to Indonesian action. That some
left-leaning Portuguese officers had contacts with Fretilin undoubtedly
made the White House even less inclined to concern itself with Portugal's
response to Indonesian action in East Timor.
8: The Secretary's Principals and Regional Staff Meeting, 12
August 1975
Source: National Archives and Records Administration,
RG 59, Office of the Secretary of State, Transcripts of HAK Staff
Meetings, 1973-1977, Box 8
Apparently encouraged by his meeting with President Ford, Suharto
returned from Washington on July 8 and made his first public statement
suggesting that an independent East Timor was not viable. Only days
later, UDT leaders launched their coup with the hope that they could
suppress Fretilin. During an August 12 discussion of the coup, Henry
Kissinger and his close advisers were not altogether sure what was
happening, but did not disagree with Assistant Secretary Philip
Habib's statement that the Indonesians would not let a “communist-dominated
group,” i.e., Fretilin, take over. Kissinger, in particular,
assumed that an Indonesian takeover would take place “sooner
or later.” Believing that Australia, a key regional ally,
would feel “impelled” to support self-determination
for the Timorese, Kissinger and his advisers wanted to avoid controversy
over the issue. They quickly agreed that the State Department should
make no comment on the coup or related events.
A few days later, the Australian ambassador in Jakarta relayed
a statement by U.S. ambassador John Newsom that summarized Washington's
approach but alluded to a problem that Kissinger and his advisers
had not specifically discussed on August 12. The message noted Newsom’s
August 16 comment that if Indonesia were to invade East Timor, it
[should] do so “effectively, quickly, and not use our equipment.”
The U.S. ambassador recognized that there was a congressional prohibition
on Indonesia’s use of military gear financed by U.S. aid for
anything but defensive operations. Kissinger would come to understand
the problem, if he did not already, but as document four suggests,
he was not willing to let it tie Jakarta's hands.
9: The Secretary's Staff Meeting, 8 October 1975
Source: National Archives and Records Administration,
RG 59, Office of the Secretary of State, Transcripts of HAK Staff
Meetings, 1973-1977, Box 8
Secretary of State Kissinger and his staff meet as Indonesian troops
launch their first main force attacks at Balibo and other western
towns in Portuguese Timor. National Security Council Staffer Philip
Habib told meeting participants "It looks like the Indonesians
have begun the attack on Timor," a move which raises the possibility
of Congressional action to cut off aid to Indonesia. Kissinger asks
Habib "There are no moral lessons to be learned from this?"
"Yes. The moral lesson is that we have the guns to go in,"
Habib replies. Kissinger presses his staff, asking, "I'm assuming
you're really going to keep your mouth shut on this subject?"
10: Telegram 7933 from U.S. Embassy Canberra to State Department,
"FRETELIN Approach to Embassy," November 26, 1975
Source: Freedom of Information Act Release to the
National Security Archive
Just days before Indonesia's invasion of East Timor, Fretilin spokesperson
for foreign affairs Jose Ramos-Horta meets with a U.S. embassy officer
in Canberra, Australia. Horta warns that "an Indonesian invasion
of East Timor is imminent." The Embassy officer listens to
Horta's request for U.S. assistance "without comment."
11: State Department Telegram 286 from Washington to USDEL Secretary
Aircraft NIACT Immediate, "Portuguese Timor," December
5, 1975
Source: Freedom of Information Act Release to the
National Security Archive
Although the Ford Administration had known for a year that Indonesia
was prepared to invade and annex East Timor by force, East Timor's
Unilateral Declaration of Independence (UDI) on November 28, 1975
provided President Suharto and the Indonesian military with the
public justification for intervention that they had been seeking.
The day before President Ford and Secretary of State Henry Kissinger's
arrival in Jakarta, the State Department informed Kissinger of Suharto's
"decision" to "initiate a major military intervention
in Timor between December 6-8," a move which would prove a
"serious embarrassment for the President's visit." This
important cable raises the possibility of the U.S. Ambassador "requesting
the Indonesians … to take no military action until well after
the President's departure from Jakarta."
12a and 12b:
12a: Memorandum to President Ford from Henry A. Kissinger, "Your
Visit to Indonesia," ca. 21 November 1975
12b: Enclosure to Document 12, State Department Briefing Paper,
"Indonesia and East Timor," ca. 21 November 1975
This Kissinger memorandum, prepared for President Ford some two
weeks before the two were to visit to Jakarta, indicates that the
administration's larger strategic interests in Indonesia made it
unlikely that Washington would make a fuss over East Timor. The
eventual fate of East Timor was evidently a relatively low priority
for Kissinger and his staff—it was the twelfth and final item
mentioned in the memo. While Kissinger, in the memo, acknowledged
that the Indonesians have been “maneuvering to absorb the
colony” through negotiations with Portugal and “covert
military operations in the colony itself,” he apparently did
not expect an overt invasion using U.S.-supplied military equipment.
Indeed, his memo and the briefing paper on “Indonesia and
Portuguese Timor” both indicate that to do so would violate
U.S. law, suggesting that this consideration had induced "restraint"
on the part of Jakarta. Moreover, and in contrast to Habib's view
that Fretelin was "Communist-dominated," the author of
the briefing paper more accurately characterized the Front as "vaguely
13: Telegram 3749 from State Department to USDEL Secretary of
State, December 4, 1975
Source: Kissinger-Scowcroft Temporary Parallel File,
Box A3, Country File, Far East-Indonesia
Memorandum to Thomas Barnes from the National Intelligence Officer
for Japan and Pacific Asia, "The Outlook for Timor," December
12, 1975
Source: NSC Country Files, EAP, Indonesia, Box 6,
GFL, Freedom of Information Act Release to the National Security
This "Top Secret" intelligence analysis predicts that
East Timorese Fretilin guerrillas will not be able to prevent Indonesia
from establishing control over East Timor or establishing "an
Indonesian-sponsored regime in Dili," though they may be able
to continue military resistance more or less indefinitely. It further
notes that "most members of the world community … want
to bury this issue as soon as possible." East Timor's isolation,
moreover, will "facilitate the efforts the Indonesians are
sure to make to keep information on Timorese dissidents from reaching
the outside world."
15: Memo from Clinton Granger to Brent Scowcroft, "Indonesian
use of MAP equipment in East Timor," December 12, 1975
Source: NSC Country Files, EAP, Indonesia, Box 6,
GFL, Freedom of Information Act Release to the National Security
A week after the invasion of East Timor the National Security Council
prepared a detailed analysis of the Indonesian military units involved
and the U.S. equipment they used. The analysis reveals that virtually
all of the military equipment used in the invasion was U.S. supplied:
U.S.-supplied destroyer escorts shelled East Timor as the attack
unfolded; Indonesian marines disembarked from U.S.-supplied landing
craft; U.S.-supplied C-47 and C-130 aircraft dropped Indonesian
paratroops and strafed Dili with .50 caliber machine guns; while
the 17th and 18th Airborne brigades which led the assault on the
Timorese capital were "totally U.S. MAP supported," and
their jump masters U.S. trained.
16: Memo from Thomas Barnes to Brent Scowcroft of the National
Security Council, "Contingency Planning for Military Supply
to Indonesia," February 18, 1976
Source: NSC Country Files, EAP, Indonesia, Box 6,
Revelations of Indonesia's illegal use of U.S. equipment in the
invasion of East Timor quickly led to calls in the U.S. Congress
for a cutoff of military assistance. In this frank and revealing
memo, Barnes summarizes a cable from U.S. Ambassador Newsom in which
he calls for contingency planning to explore ways of circumventing
a possible Congressional aid cutoff and continuing to supply Indonesia
with U.S. military equipment, including co-production, provision
of surplus equipment or "friendly foreign sources of compatible
17: Telegram 1442 from U.S. Embassy Lisbon to State Department,
"Portuguese Timor," March 5, 1976
Source: Freedom of Information Act Release to the
National Security Archive
This heavily excised cable summarizes a visit by an East Timorese
defector from an Indonesian sponsored delegation to Lisbon. The
visitor (name excised), described in the cable as the "Minister
of State of the Democratic Republic of East Timor," is a former
supporter of integration with Indonesia and political opponent of
Fretilin who states that Indonesia is "forcing integration
[of East Timor] with Indonesia against its will." The visitor
alleges "numerous atrocities" against the civilian population
of Timor, claims to have documentary proof of Indonesian involvement
in the October 1975 murder of five Australian journalists. The embassy
official comments that the source's documentation "appears
genuine" and that his claims are consistent with those of other
credible sources.
18: Telegram 5605 from U.S. Embassy Jakarta to State Department,
"GOI Request for Help in Timor," April 29, 1976
Source: Freedom of Information Act Release to the
National Security Archive
Four months after Indonesia's invasion, Chief of Staff of the U.S.
Pacific Command (CINCPAC) Lt. General Moore met with Indonesian
Defense Ministry Assistant for Planning Major General Yoga Supardi,
who warned that Indonesia is encountering a "serious drain
on resources, with shortages of ammunition for small arms, artillery,
tank and naval guns," and needed helicopters, communications
equipment and "ammunition of all calibers." The admission
by top Indonesian officials that fierce fighting continued throughout
Timor directly contradicts State Department assertions to members
of the U.S. Senate that Indonesian forces were in full control of
the territory and that fighting had ended.
Telegram 6284 from U.S. Embassy Jakarta to State Department, "Situation
in East Timor," May 13, 1976
Source: Freedom of Information Act Release to the
National Security Archive
On May 31, 1976 in Dili, thirty-seven hand-picked members of what
Indonesia described as a "Popular Representative Assembly"
unanimously voted to petition President Suharto asking for integration
with Jakarta. This cable describes Indonesia's organization of this
act of integration (which US officials ultimately did not attend).
Indonesian officials state that "in view of extremely low level
of education and continued hostility in interior, Indonesia had
no choice but to stage manage to some extent" the selection
of representatives who would "petition" for integration.
20: Memo from Thomas Barnes to Brent Scowcroft of the National
Security Council, "Military Equipment Deliveries to Indonesia,"
May 17, 1976
Source: NSC Country Files, EAP, Indonesia, Box 6,
This memo outlines Secretary of State Kissinger's decision to renew
the State Department's certification of U.S. weapons deliveries
to Indonesia. In January 1976 the State Department had "quietly
stopped certifying to Defense the delivery of further military equipment
to Indonesia," though there was "no formal suspension,
and no publicity about the action." The State Department hoped
to renew certification after Assistant Secretary of State Philip
Habib testified before Congress on the subject of Indonesia's use
of U.S. equipment in East Timor.
21: Telegram 067313 from State Department to U.S. Embassy Jakarta,
"Timor," March 25, 1977
Source: Freedom of Information Act Release to the
National Security Archive
In March of 1977 former Australian consul to Portuguese Timor James
Dunn published a report detailing charges that since December 1975
Indonesian forces had killed between 50,000 - 100,000 civilians
in East Timor. When Congressman Donald Fraser called Dunn to testify
before Congress, the U.S. embassy in Jakarta sent this detailed
cable rejecting Dunn's charges as "exaggerated" and arguing
- without citing evidence - that the situation in Timor had dramatically
improved, "largely as a result of Indonesian restraint."
22: Memo for Zbigniew Brzezinski from Michael Armacost, "Initiatives
to Deepen Relations with Indonesia," June 14, 1977
Source: NSA Staff Materials, Far East Files, Box
4, Carter Library
This memo, drafted for President Carter, outlines proposed efforts
to improve relations with the Suharto regime, which expressed worries
in mid-1977 that U.S. interest in Southeast Asia "is waning"
and was "perplexed" by the Carter Administration's human
rights policies and the prospective phasing out of the grant military
assistance program for fiscal year 1978. In the memo, Brzezinski
urges the President to approve an expansion of economic assistance
to the Suharto regime, ease conditions for Foreign Military Sales
(FMS) of U.S. weapons, and "ease up on the human rights pressures
directed at Indonesia," particularly with respect to East Timor.
"The Indonesian decision is irreversible. The USG has accepted
23: Memo from Michael Armacost to David Aaron and Zbigniew Brzezinski,
"Request from Don Fraser for MemCon on President Ford Meeting
with President Suharto," July 6, 1977
Source: Freedom of Information Act Release to the
National Security Archive
As part of his ongoing inquiry into East Timor, Congressman Donald
Fraser (MN) requested a copy of the explosive memoranda of conversation
between President's Ford and Suharto on the eve of Indonesia's invasion
in which "Ford and Kissinger - for reasons I do not understand
- went out of their way on the eve of the GOI move on Timor to assure
Suharto of an understanding attitude by the U.S." Armacost
recommends that the Administration invoke Executive Privilege to
refuse release of the document, which he argues would "create
a very damaging precedent in terms of preserving the confidentiality
surrounding Presidential meetings with foreign leaders" and
upset Kissinger. Brzezinzki agrees, preventing full release of the
document for twenty four years.
24: Action Memo from Maynes, Holbrooke, Hansen and Derian to
Philip Habib, "UNGA Resolution on East Timor," November
1, 1977
Source: Freedom of Information Act Release to the
National Security Archive
For the third year in a row the U.N. General Assembly voted on
a resolution condemning Indonesia's continuing occupation of East
Timor and calling for self-determination, prompting a revealing
assessment of the stakes involved in the U.S. stance. The memo notes
that voting in favor of the resolution would "dramatically
underscore our human rights concerns" and "conform to
our position that the U.N. has a responsibility to deal with problems
relating to human rights, including self determination (emphasis
added)." Instead, the State Department recommended voting against
the U.N. resolution (citing "problems" such as its mention
of East Timor's right to self determination) as a way to "remove
this irritant as we continue pressing the GOI for progress on human
rights matters throughout Indonesia as well as in East Timor."
25: Telegram 17202 from Jakarta to State, "East Timor,"
December 23, 1977
Source: Freedom of Information Act Release to the
National Security Archive
In 1977, reports began to emerge from East Timor about Indonesia's
use of U.S.-supplied OV-10 Bronco aircraft, amid claims about their
possible use for spraying chemical defoliants. In response to Congressional
questions, the U.S. Embassy in Jakarta assured the State Department
that it had received "no reports that Indonesians have used
chemical sprays in areas under Fretilin control" and that Indonesia's
use of OV-10s in East Timor "has thus far been limited to machine
guns, rockets, and perhaps bombs."
26: Telegram 0021 from U.S. Embassy Jakarta to State Department,
"General Murdani's Views on East Timor," January 3, 1978
Source: Freedom of Information Act Release to the
National Security Archive
This cable summarizes a meeting with General Benny Murdani, Assistant
for Intelligence, Indonesian Department of Defense and Security,
recently returned from a visit to East Timor. More than two years
after Indonesia's invasion, Murdani states that "considerable
time will still be required to achieve stability" due to continued
Fretilin guerrilla operations. An observer (name excised) estimates
that up to half a million Timorese may be beyond the control of
Indonesian military forces - more than 80% of the territory's population.
27: Memorandum for the President from the Vice President, "Visit
to the Pacific," April 26, 1978
Source: NSA Staff Materials, Far East Files, Box
7, Carter Library
From May 9 to May 10, Vice President Walter Mondale visited Indonesia
as part of a larger regional visit and the Carter Administration's
initiative to "deepen relations" with the Suharto regime.
This Memo for President Carter requested his approval for Mondale's
policy goals for the trip, including the expedited delivery of sixteen
A-4 fighter jets to Indonesia, which was then preparing for a massive
campaign of aerial bombardment of East Timor in an effort to crush
armed resistance to its occupation of the territory. Mondale's briefing
memo makes no mention of East Timor.
28: Memo for Deputy Executive Secretary of State Frank Wisner,
"Presidential Guidance on A-4s," May 9, 1978
Source: Freedom of Information Act Release to the
National Security Archive
Shortly before his visit to Jakarta in May 1978, Vice President
Walter Mondale wrote President Carter to request accelerated approval
for the sale of sixteen A-4 fighter jets to Jakarta. On May 9, as
Mondale arrived in Indonesia, President Carter issued a special
Presidential Guidance approving the sale. Crucially, the guidance
sought clarification "on the circumstances in which they envision
the planes will be used, in particular in East Timor (emphasis added)."
29: Telegram 12521 from Document: Telegram 6076 from Jakarta
to State, "Summary of Vice President's Meeting with Suharto,"
May 10, 1978
Source: Freedom of Information Act Release to the
National Security Archive
In a May 10 meeting with Indonesian President Suharto, Mondale
noted that Indonesia's 1977 release of thousands of political detainees
had "helped create a favorable climate of opinion in the Congress"
for expanded American arms sales. He suggested to Suharto that releasing
prisoners more regularly would further improve public opinion and
deflect criticism - a suggestion the regime later implemented. The
Vice President likewise noted the two nations' "mutual concerns
regarding East Timor," in particular "how to handle public
relations aspects of the problem." As with the problem of political
detainees, Mondale suggested that allowing humanitarian groups such
as Catholic Relief Services access to East Timor would not only
help refugees in the area (overwhelmingly generated by Indonesian
military operations) but "have a beneficial impact on U.S.
public opinion."
30: Telegram 12521 from U.S. Embassy Jakarta to State Department,
"Ambassador's visit to East Timor: Indonesian Policy and Possible
U.S. Response," September 14, 1978
Source: Freedom of Information Act Release to the
National Security Archive
By 1978 Indonesia had gained firm enough control over East Timor's
capital of Dili and other major cities that it felt it could bring
in foreign observers on tours tightly scripted by Indonesian military
officials. From September 6 to September 8 U.S. Ambassador to Indonesia
Ed Masters traveled to East Timor with nine other foreign ambassadors
to view the "basic GOI approach to the East Timor problem."
The resulting cable offers extensive praise of Indonesian efforts
in Timor, claiming the Indonesian military presence had been much
reduced, movement was free, refugees being taken care of, and Indonesia
devoted to the economic development of the province. Master's visit
comes at the tail end of Operation Seroja, a territory-wide Indonesian
campaign of aerial bombardment, encirclement and forced relocation
of tens of thousands of Timorese in which thousands are reported
to have died.
31: Telegram 10200 from U.S. Embassy Jakarta to State Department,
"Impressions after June 10 attack in East Timor," June
25, 1980
Source: Freedom of Information Act Release to the
National Security Archive
On June 10, 1980, East Timorese guerrillas attacked the TV station
and Indonesian troops in the town of Dare on the outskirts of the
Timorese capital of Dili, demonstrating a continued ability to launch
sizeable military operations. In retaliation, Indonesian troops
killed or disappeared at least 73 Timorese civilians over the next
several weeks. This cable recounts the impressions of a recent visitor
to East Timor in the wake of the Dare attack, which caused "distress
and embarrassment for security officials, and they can be expected
to takes steps to prevent a repetition of the attack."
32: Telegram 17317 from U.S. Embassy Jakarta to State Department,
"Briefing on the Military Situation in East Timor," November
17, 1981
Source: Freedom of Information Act Release to the
National Security Archive
In the summer of 1981 the Indonesian military in East Timor launched
Operation Keamanan, which among other tactics involved the forced
recruitment of thousands of Timorese made to walk across large parts
of the territory in the hopes of flushing out Fretilin guerrillas.
According to later reports thousands of Timorese died during these
operations from starvation and disease. This cable describes a briefing
received by U.S. Embassy officials from the Indonesian military
on "the strategy and results of the recent operation to eliminate
Fretilin remnants." The cable notes that "normal life
and agricultural activity in the eastern half of the province would
have been severely disrupted" by the operations, although the
embassy official did not discuss civilian casualties of the operation.
As a result of the operation, thousands of civilian supporters of
Fretilin had been sent to Atauro island (an island off the north
coast converted to a giant prison camp) where, according to Indonesian
military officials prisoners were being "brainwashed."
33: Telegram 14397 from U.S. Embassy Jakarta to State Department,
"___views on East Timor developments," September 9, 1983
Source: Freedom of Information Act Release to the
National Security Archive
34: Telegram 15303 from U.S. Embassy Jakarta to State Department,
"Current Developments in East Timor," September 23, 1983
Source: Freedom of Information Act Release to the
National Security Archive
In August 1983 Fretilin guerrillas attacked Indonesian military
forces at the airport in Dili, killing 18 soldiers. In response
to the attack, and as part of a larger military offensive involving
10,000-12,000 troops, Indonesian soldiers carried out several large
massacres: of 200-300 civilians near the town of Viqueque, and at
least 500 civilians in villages near Mount Bibileu. These two lengthy
cables describe those operations and the breakdown of the ceasefire
which preceded it, and fits a persistent pattern lasting from 1975
to 1999 in which U.S. Embassy officials expressed skepticism over
the scale or even the existence of Indonesian atrocities in East
Timor. In the second cable, the embassy officer repeats the claim,
apparently from an Indonesian source (whose identity is excised),
of several hundred killed near Viqueque.
35: Telegram 38327 from State Department to U.S. Mission Geneva,
"UNHRC: Contingency Paper on East Timor," February 9,
Source: Freedom of Information Act Release to the
National Security Archive
In February 1993 the new U.S. Administration of Bill Clinton co-sponsored
a resolution at the United Nations Human Rights Commission meeting
critical of Indonesia's human rights record and the situation in
East Timor. The UNHRC vote came in the wake of Indonesia's massacre
of more than 270 East Timorese civilians in the capitol of Dili
in November 1991. Following the massacre, which subsequent statements
by Indonesian officials suggested was an act of official policy,
scores of nonviolent activists received lengthy prison terms for
taking part in the demonstration that led to the massacre and in
demonstrations in Indonesia protesting the killings, while a handful
of low-ranking military officials received miniscule sentences or
reassignments. This cable, which discusses the U.S. stance regarding
East Timor at the 1993 UNHRC meeting, demonstrates the limits of
U.S. human rights policy toward East Timor. While calling for a
fuller account of Timorese still missing from the 1991 massacre
and "reductions of the harsh sentences given to civilian demonstrators,"
the U.S. delegation "welcomed" and was "encouraged"
by the Indonesian government's widely condemned response to the
36: Telegram 02365 from U.S. Embassy Jakarta to State Department,
"East Timor and Human Rights in Indonesia: A Fresh Look,"
March 5, 1993
Source: Freedom of Information Act Release to the
National Security Archive
In February 1993 U.S. Ambassador to Indonesia Robert Barry traveled
to East Timor and came back apparently convinced of the need for
a change in both Indonesian and U.S. policy toward East Timor. This
important analysis of the situation inside East Timor early in the
Clinton Administration notes that "the repressive and pervasive
Indonesian military presence is the main obstacle to the government's
goal of integration." Barry describes the mood in East Timor
as "grim and repressive" and notes that "given the
cruelty of Indonesian Army pacification tactics over the years,
it is little wonder that their omnipresence is a source of smoldering
resentment." Presciently, Barry describes Bishop Carlos Belo
(who in 1996 won the Nobel Peace Prize along with Jose Ramos-Horta)
as an "influential and articulate spokesman for the Timorese
cause." While ruling out self-determination, notes that some
Indonesians and collaborationist Timorese leaders advocate some
form of autonomy as a means of increasing Timorese support for integration.
Barry expresses skepticism, concluding that "integration will
never be palatable as long as it is demanded at gunpoint."
37: CIA Terrorism Review, August 1999
Source: Freedom of Information Act Release to the
National Security Archive
Revealing virtually nothing and wholly excised, this CIA Terrorism
Review illustrates the problems that scholars of the Indonesian
occupation of East Timor face in prying loose documents from the
U.S. government. The report suggests, however, that the Administration
of U.S. President Bill Clinton did consider Indonesian military
and militia operations in East Timor in the months leading up to
its August 30, 1999 referendum to be a form of terrorism.
38: CIA Terrorism Review, September 1999
Source: Freedom of Information Act Release to the
National Security Archive (390.pdf)
In the wake of East Timor's overwhelming vote for independence,
Indonesian military its militia proxies launched a scorched earth
campaign in which an estimated 1,500 Timorese were killed, more
than 250,000 Timorese forcibly driven across the border into West
Timor, and an estimated 80% of East Timor's infrastructure destroyed.
This heavily excised CIA Terrorism review confirms, if in the most
muted language, the Indonesian military's involvement in the post-referendum
violence, stating that "the military has supported or worked
alongside the militias" and noting that "the militias'
capabilities to carry out attacks, however, will depend in part
on continued support from Indonesian military elements."
39: Telegram 4662 from U.S. Embassy Jakarta to the State Department,
"Meeting with _____," September 22, 1999
Source: Freedom of Information Act Release to the
National Security Archive
With members of the Australian-led International Force for East
Timor (INTERFET) arriving in Dili, East Timor, U.S. Ambassador to
Indonesia J. Stapleton Roy meets with an Indonesian General (name
excised) to discuss the deployment and the larger question of U.S.-Indonesian
relations. The General expressed strong opposition to Indonesian
President B.J. Habibie's East Timor policy, which he suggests was
never supported by the Indonesian Armed Forces. Remarkably, just
days after the U.S. severing of military ties with Indonesia over
the destruction of East Timor, Ambassador Roy told to his Indonesian
colleague that the U.S. "does not want East Timor to further
damage ties between the two nations" and emphasized the need
to "pay attention to Indonesian sensitivities" regarding
the deaths of Indonesians in East Timor during the 24 year Indonesian
occupation. Appropriately, the Indonesian General ended this revealing
conversation by reminding the Ambassador that "should not forget
the starting point in East Timor" and the "strong support"
of both the U.S. and Australia for Indonesia's 1975 invasion and
subsequent occupation of the territory.